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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. L

    Post your Gripe

    My gripe today is on a very personal level, my oldest daughter I co-parent with her biological father, a last week he sent me a message saying that he will no longer be letting me see her because I am an unfit parent. His complaint was that I sleep in, in the morning. And that I dont make her...
  2. L

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Thanks I will look into that.
  3. L

    Help with recipe

    So I made a batch of a recipe I have used before with success, with 3 changes. The recipe is in the photo below with the addition of BB sensuous sandalwood fragrance oil at 7g, and vitamin E oil at 11g and Mica mixed with some of the soap oils. The problem I am having is that the soap will not...
  4. L

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    I made a soap drying rack out of thing I found in the junk yard, it was originally a greenhouse rack I think, it only had one original shelf, so I am improvising all the other shelf. It is huge and currently taking up 4 square feet of my living room, and it is 7 feet tall. I am happy that it...
  5. L

    Hello, excited to find this forum

    That's awesome, I told my 9 year old, she can make stuff with me next week for the first time, but she has to pass her review in all her subjects. We partially homeschool.
  6. L

    An Enthusiastic New Soaper

    I used only a few very basic oils, no additives, no colors, no smells, and no preservatives. And prayed it work. Luckily it did, it was a last ditch effort before giving up and deciding I was not going to use any soap to give him a bath. He had chemical burns from diapers too. Before we figured...
  7. L

    Hello, excited to find this forum

    Cmzaha, I was lucky with that first batch, it was mostly lard, with a little bit of CO, avacodo oil, and palm oil, and yeah we still have to avoid Aveeno products. I like making bars of soap, but when I was making bars, laundry detergent, cloth diapering, and nursing him, I thought I was going...
  8. L

    Hello, excited to find this forum

    So, I posted backwards, I saw the introduction forum after I posted in another group. Sorry about that. So, hello! I'm from Oklahoma, I have three kids that are still little-ish (9, 5, and 3). My 5 year old got me into soap, he has severe skin sensitivities. He has ended up with chemical burns...
  9. L

    An Enthusiastic New Soaper

    Hi, i am new to the forum as well. I use simple oils in my soap, I still searched for the best prices I could find so my costs look like this. 12oz vitamin E oil $13.89 Makes 74 lbs of soap cost/lb $0.19 24lbs of lard $31.10 Makes 60 lbs of soap cost/lb $0.52 1 gallon castor oil $31.10...
  10. L

    Buying Lye

    Wal-Mart online has this one, and where I live, you can do free shipping to the store It's 1 lb for $5.49
  11. L

    Soap cupcakes - family humor

    Thats funny, we have 2 diabetics in the family so they said I am teasing them with one more thing to look at and not eat
  12. L

    Soap cupcakes - family humor

    So I am new to the group, but I have been reading for about a week. I hope this is okay to post. So most of the soap that I have made was special for my son who was allergic to all over the counter soap, including laundry soap, body soap, and fabric softener. Along with diapers. So I started...