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  1. B

    Newest Favorite Slow Trace Recipe

    Unless I read this wrong, I ran it thru the calc and it is 103%
  2. B

    Labels Needed - help please

    You are 100% correct and as I stated in my original post I am not ready. But I am making butters, lip balms, bath bombs and scrubs that I will be selling to friends and family to support my crack (soap) addiction, that is what I need some labels for.... Also I am not far behind you already on...
  3. B

    Labels Needed - help please

    not really ready to sell just yet, but I would like to get labels so I can put them on the soaps and stuff I do make so 1) I remember what they are :) and 2) put them on the samples I pass out to friends so I can be at least getting the name out there I think most people make their own? How...
  4. B

    Forst time cupcakes

    I used 75% strawberry and 25% orange as the orange is very Strong.
  5. B

    Forst time cupcakes

    There soap. Thank You
  6. B

    Forst time cupcakes

    First time cupcakes Strawberry orange. Sorry, phone pics look a little cloudy URL=][/URL]...
  7. B

    Cracked top

    After looking around I see internal heat causes this but it went right into the fridge. I didn't do this goats milk like I did my first one. It seemed to get hotter and had light brown chunks on the bottom when I stirred it. I poured into my 113 degree oil at 90 degrees which I know is to hot...
  8. B

    Cracked top

    Whats causes this? Just checked it and the top is cracked. Goats milk, just made it a couple hours ago and put in fridge. URL=][/URL]
  9. B

    Green mica turned brown

    Yup, this is the one.... I have to remember to read and research each item I buy from now on
  10. B

    Goat milk CP question

    Yea, I am liking this goat milk thing. Going to make another one tomorrw, just dont know what yet....whatever I do I think I will try GM piping on top
  11. B

    Sticky Soap

    All great points. Thank you. i am a very impatient person, at least thats what my wife tells me, it is hard to do a soap, wait 6 weeks and if is not good then change and wait another 6 weeks.... This could take years
  12. B

    Sticky Soap

    My initial recipe for these are 30% OO, CO and PO 10% RBO I just need a good Recipe. DO you all have like a goto you use all the time? or do you have one depending if it a basic soap, swirl soap (slower tracing)? I have made so many soaps with different recipes I am getting to the point I...
  13. B

    Sticky Soap

    So I tried a couple of my first soaps, cured 4-5 weeks. They seems sticky. I mean when washing they seems to stick to your skin for just a sec every once in awhile, any ideas?
  14. B

    Goat milk CP question

    No, not really yellowing, started getting a little tracey, I assume from the fat in the milk, poured fine and when I blended looked like any other time. FO was a Christmas one, no honey or anything. I wanted my first one simple.... I used a lot of soft oils, a slow trace swirling recipe
  15. B

    Goat milk CP question

    Thats what I did, froze first, added lye with ice around it. Think it was 75 when i added to 105 oils. But I thought gel phase would turn it brown from the heat just like the heat would do withoug the cold......
  16. B

    Goat milk CP question

    Goat milk CP question updated PIC I just poured my first goats milk. After the pour how long do you leave in the fridge? 24 hrs? More? Less? Here is the cut URL=][/URL]
  17. B

    Couple pics of my last couple soaps

    LOL, yea I have bought a lot of stuff. And thats only a little corner. Stared about 6 weeks ago I tend to go all out, I am making 1-2 loafs a day, or at least try Have made body butters, thats easy... Trying bath bombs now, thats not as easy, mine look like they have warts all over them...
  18. B

    Couple pics of my last couple soaps

    Yes, I think my issue was that I was using very very little colorants. I bumped them up and all seems to be fine I think I have to now concentrate on detail, like clean edges, no shavings and such.
  19. B

    Green mica turned brown

    No FO/EO. They where just small tree embeds
  20. B

    Green mica turned brown

    So I was making some Christmas tree embeds in my mold, I used BB shamrock green, only green I have right now. Looked at them today they where brown, mold is just a silicone tree mold. Why?