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  1. B

    New Soap!

    Amazing, just wonderful!
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    Few if my last soaps

    Thanks..... 3- hot apple pie FO 4- Michael Kor FO 5- GM soap with orange powder color and tangerene EO 6 - monkey farts FO
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    Few if my last soaps

    This is a GM I put in the freezer, I love the circle it made, I hope,it stays there
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    FYI: Bulk Apothicary email discount

    Got an email 15 bucks off 30 bucks. Today only. Code is 15Gift
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    Atlanta area help please

    Thanks all, I see that is in Atlanta, don't know if they have a retail shop though
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    Atlanta area help please

    Heading to Atlanta with my wife Friday thru most all next week. What soapy things are there? Any must see shops or supply places to browes?
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    Lye/Soap and cold weather

    (low 40ish)
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    Lye/Soap and cold weather

    I didn't use any ice or frozen milk. I mixed my lye and water as usual. Recipe calls for 18.2 oz of water and 9.06 oz of lye. I used half of my water to mix with my lye. 9.2 oz of water and all of the lye 9.06. I added the other half 9.2 oz as milk to my oils.
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    Lye/Soap and cold weather

    Has this ever happened to any of you all? So yesterday it started getting cold here (AL) so I was going to make a batch of soap when I got home from work. As normal I go to the shop and it is cold in there (low 40ish) no heat (yet). I mix up as normal my lye/water and oils and let them sit...
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    Does Anyone Make Bath Salts

    I have heard/saw somewhere that the Baking soda is the reason
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    Happy Thanksgiving!

    May all my soaping friend enjoy time spent with family and friends 1.... I am thankful for my savior Jesus dying for me 2.... Thankful for such a blessed life, sorry, couldn't have just 1
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    First Mica line = epic fail

    Gotta love soaping, always new stuff to try and perfect.... I am glad I am going down this road with all of you, Thank You
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    First Mica line = epic fail

    Input on this one: looks like it would be good with the pointed end. Can direct colorant better maybe.
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    First Mica line = epic fail

    As usual, good detail and advise... Thanks DeeAnna.
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    First Mica line = epic fail

    Major fail, I think I got it to thick, and not even. I used a regular sifter to put it on with and it was 3 times more round than the mold and I am trying to pour the mica from the jar into the sifter, just wasn't good. What do you all use to put the mica in and get it as a consistant thin...
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    Christmas Soaps?

    Here are a couple of mine, first ever Christmas soaps
  17. B

    Anyone have this mold?

    Worst Case I can use it for just plain/colored goat's milk soap that has no design, just solid color and scented
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    Any anti-aging recipe?

    Anyone have a good wrinkle or anti aging recipe, for eye's?
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    Anyone have this mold?

    The height seemd to be fine, it's the width.... And it might be fine, I just don't like it
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    Anyone have this mold? I just got it and did my first soap in it. I started cutting and i noticed the bars are super wide. Well my stupid butt didn't look at the deminsions when I bought it I just "assumed" it...