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Soapmaking Forum

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    Piping tops, days after pouring the base

    I have piped loafs a couple days after poring with no issue. I to use the same Recipe for piping, just a smaller batch.
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    Kid toy embeds

    Just some small ones, for kid's at Church and such
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    Kid toy embeds

    Good point (no pun intended). Many toys look cool in soap but yes, you have to think about the toy when the soap is gone.
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    Kid toy embeds

    Looking to make some kids soap, anyone know a good source for toys to put in Them?
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    Goats Milk SOap HELP!

    I add honey to my GM soap so I do frozen GM to lye. Add honey to my oils. The part I add TD to still comes out a darker white/tan. I do freeze right after pouring in mold
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    Water Supply & Drainage Solutions for Soap Room

    I dug a 8'-10' hole and then I put a portable sink over the hole and ran a water hose from the spigot to the outdoor sink. I can wash anything I want and the water never gets to the top, sure I have to shovel any hard soap and stuff out every once in awhile but it was the best solution I could...
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    Wanted a tiger swirl but pored to thin. Made a couple design changes, looks ok but could be better
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    FS: Shrink Wrap System

    DISCLAIMER: SMF is not responsible for any sale, trade, co-op, pre-buy, fast buy, garage sale, ad or other transactions between members. All parties enter into transactions at their own will/risk. Great system, just don't really use it so it's gotta go. This is a link to the one I have...
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    To all you moms

    I hope you all have a great day today!! And want to thank you all for being mom's. Mine is gone now but I owe her everything that I am today. Thank You Moms!!!!!
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    Chocolate/Mint Chocolate alternative

    I'm looking at making mint chocolate soap/cupcakes but as we all know vanilla turns in CP soap. So is there an alternative scent that can be used? Or is under a certain % suitable for non discoloration? My colors will be, but might/can change, white/brown/green. Thanks
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    Bananna Split bath bomb

    Updated Here it is complete.. Also I did a few Ice Cream Sundays
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    Bananna Split bath bomb

    Bananna Split bath bomb - UPDATE Had the idea to do a bath bomb/fizzy nanner split. I still have to add the whipped topping.
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    Two Wild Hares Bubble Bar Recipe: thoughts?

    I have purchased both the bath bomb and the bath bar from TWH after many, many attempts at failed or so so products. The first attend was a perfect success on both. I highly recommend her recipes. I spend WAY more just testing others and mine that I could have got hers and saved a ton of money...
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    Alabama (B'ham) get together

    So how about a saturday eve. 3/4 or 3/11. Im good for lush, cosco, or where ever. We could go to Iguana grill to eat? Just a thought
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    Technique help please - tilt

    Ok, I nees some help please, how do you do a tilt? I have tried several times and every time I lean it the other way the first tilt pour moves towrds the center. Improbably am not making any sense. Inhave tried different stages of trace and all the same results. Thanks
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    My soapeth overfloweth

    WSP Drakkar Noir
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    Soaper's Choice's Website is Down

    I didn't use anything. I just did xxxxxxxxxx. No - or anything
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    My soapeth overfloweth

    Ah, forgot to post that, Thanks Lye 93 Oils 80 Room Temp? IDK maybe low 60 ish non insulated
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    My soapeth overfloweth

    CP Yea, as mentioned, not a great recipe but wanted to try it anyway. (Bored I guess :) )
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    My soapeth overfloweth

    So I decided last night after some research and study to try my hand at some shave soap, I have converted over myself to the brush and bowl awhile back and have been using store bought puck soap. So I put my recipe on soap calc and start making, I pour into round puck like silicone mold, and I...