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  1. B

    second try not so good

    I say I did spray but now I am Second guessing if I did, I do know I did spray but maybe missed that layer...
  2. B

    1st try need help

    Here is the outcome of that pour.... turned out just ok I guess. It's not bright, kind of dull looking. I was hoping for bright colors.... What do you all do to get vibrant bright colors? Also, took out of mold at 27 hours and still very very soft so I just left it on the counter until...
  3. B

    second try not so good

    Here is my second pour, Charcoal lavender. It looks good to me and was stoked about it. When I cut it the 2nd layer from the bottom (White) separated from the 3rd layer, don't know why...maybe poured to cold? but at least I can remelt and try again
  4. B

    Pic of my very first MP

  5. B

    1st try need help

    Yea, might try that just try that and slow down a little
  6. B

    1st try need help

    Oil was 83/84 degrees Yea I think I immersed way to long I did 6 colors, yea I know I know :-). Im just one to go all out or go home :-)
  7. B

    1st try need help

    1st try need help - UPDATE I need some input please. I will gve as much info as I can to replicate my pour. 48oz loaf 5% superfat 38% water 30% olive oil 30% coconut oil 30% lard 10% castor oil No FO No EO Mixed lye water 6.8oz lye and 16oz water. Or close to that Melted the coconut and lard...
  8. B

    Prepairing Colorant

    At What rate do you mix it? Can you mix and save for later? Say i have 1oz and i want to mix it in a bottle?
  9. B

    Hunting soap

    Does anyone make a scent free soap for hunters? I am wanting to make some for me and some friends... I use commercial soap during hunting season but it dry's my skin so bad so I thought I would make some
  10. B

    Prepairing Colorant

    Newbie question: How do you get the colors ready? do you use alcohol and mix the mica with it? or take a little of your MP and once melted mix with it in a little cup? And is it the same process if you use powdered Mica or blocks? Thanks!!
  11. B

    prepairing colorant

    Newbie question: So you have a light trace, your colors are ready to go. How do you get the colors ready? do you use oil and mix the mica with it? If oil do you use your mixture you make up or just any oil? And is it the same process if you use powdered Mica or blocks? Thanks!!
  12. B

    Soap size

    Great info, so my next question is what about thickness?
  13. B

    Soap size

    Thanks!!, that's kind of how I was leaning
  14. B

    Soap size

    Yea, im looking at making one 24" or even 36" just not sure of height and width. Mabr 3.5" wide and 2.5" deep? Idk
  15. B

    Soap size

    So is everyones soap about the same size? I am going to build a couple molds and trying to figure out what size I need to make them. Not length but width and height Thanks......
  16. B

    My first M&P

    At that temp do you pour layers? For layering what temps do you pour?
  17. B

    Calc and percentage help

    Ok I kind of understand that so lets say my loaf measurements are Cavity Size: 11 x 4.2 x 2.4 inch so i have my oils, how do i know how much water/lye? I assume i fill the loaf with water and get a total volume, lets say it holds 100oz of water, I assume I subtract the total amount of oil from...
  18. B

    Calc and percentage help

    Hey all, new to Soaping and I am sure this has been talked about a ton so forgive me. So how do you do all your calculations from the very start? Say I have a 1200g loaf, how do I figure how much butter, oil, water/lye mix? Also is there a lye calc for dummies that explains each line of the...
  19. B

    Howdy from Bama

    Hello all from Bama. I am just gettting into soap making, really interested in the chemestry of it all and designing and art of it all. Im sure I will be asking tons of questions. So good to be here!!!!