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  1. Navaria

    SMF May Challenge- Interpretation, not Imitation

    Obviously not going to get an entry made for this month, considering it's technically closed. One of those times when life got in the way of my fun :(
  2. Navaria

    "What Fragrance Oil Are You? Quiz

    Same here Earlene. Why leaves blue off a favorite color list?? And "spending time with family" wasn't an option for an ideal Saturday either! Oh well, answering the questions with the options I was given I got: Electric Lemonade Cocktail Fragrance Oil You are Electric Lemonade Cocktail...
  3. Navaria

    I Need Math Help, Please

    Yes it is :)
  4. Navaria

    Muscle pain relief cream

    I made the salve yesterday after 2 weeks of infusing my oil. I have plantar fasciitis and after a weekend in heels, major house cleaning, and walking at the campground my foot was killing me last night. I put some on before I put my dorsiwedge on, and within 15 minutes the pain had subsided...
  5. Navaria

    I think I'm in love with a Walmart!

    Our brand new Super Walmart opened this week. I feel like we're the last people in the world to get one lol. Kids and I went last night. I know, crazy Friday night huh? Anyway, it is a soaper's paradise! The oil section is huge! They have 16 types of coconut oil!! They have black walnut, toasted...
  6. Navaria

    dimensions of a bar of soap

    Mine looks exactly the same. but is sold by X-Haibei. I love it! It really makes a nice loaf and a pretty bar. The pictures in my avatar is made with this mold.
  7. Navaria

    How much colorant is too much?

    I tell family I gift my soap to that "My soap is so memorable it stains your washcloths. No seriously, use a poof." I have had cloths discolor, but not stain. But I do have some seriously dark colored soaps I haven't tried with a wash cloth because I don't want to risk it.
  8. Navaria

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    We (women in general) are notoriously hard on ourselves. We picture the impossible in our mind's eye and berate ourselves when we fall short. That's why so many women become Bridezillas close to their big day lol. Sometimes, it's practically impossible to live up to our own inflated standards...
  9. Navaria

    How to sterilize BB jars at home?

    You an also use a dishwasher as long as you heat dry them, or you could liberally spray with 91% rubbing alcohol. Or even give them the same bleach bath you give the rest of your tools. Just make sure you rinse them well and let them air dry.
  10. Navaria

    Happy Mothers Day!

    Are you my mommy?? Cause I swear my Grandma used to say all of those things!
  11. Navaria

    Emulsified Sugar Scrub - where to start?

    Steric is kind of a B&B powerhouse. It's a lubricant, and emulsifier, and a surfactant, depending on what it's used with. It also helps form a protective barrier to hold the moisture in your skin. ETA: She...
  12. Navaria

    Happy Mothers Day!

    Happy Mother's Day everyone! Oh yes Snappy, I sound more like my mom all the time. Not just what I say, but how I say it. It kills me when I open my mouth and my mother falls out lmao. Even the things she used to say that I swore I never would because they were so dumb ("If you fall and break...
  13. Navaria

    Fondant mat technique question

    As I've said a few times, I'm obsessed with fondant mats. Generally, I fill the mat with M&P and put the whole mat in the bottom of my log mold. But I've been thinking about trying some different things that would require the m&p to actually be removed from the mat and laid in the bottom of the...
  14. Navaria

    Proud Momma moment

    Thank you guys! They sang "Bridge Over Troubled Waters" and blew my mind. I was going to post it, but it was almost 4 minutes long. And I fully understand not everyone is as enthralled with my children as I am lol
  15. Navaria

    Celebrating Shredder's Life

    Sweetie, you brought me to tears. I'm so glad my baby girl could help you decide. Our fur babies are so precious to us, it's hard to let go. But sometimes we get caught up in our own pain and forget about theirs. That's human nature. It's so hard to look beyond ourselves and see things from...
  16. Navaria

    Proud Momma moment

    I won't subject you guys to the entire concert, but here is a snippet from my oldest son's choral concert last night. He is the slightly taller, lighter hair colored one. The crazy thing is, it was just a few short months ago I learned he could sing!
  17. Navaria

    soap redux: the soapening

    I was thinking the 90's paint splatter hammer pants! LMAO! Yes, some gorgeous soap swirls (like this one) just don't transfer well to clothing patterns!
  18. Navaria

    soap redux: the soapening

    Lovely! I'm digging how thin the color swirls are. It creates such a nice contrast to the background that way!
  19. Navaria

    Rainbow teardrop

    I had to read that 3 times just to make sure my eyes weren't playing tricks on me! LMAO
  20. Navaria

    Salt bar not hardening?

    Guspuppy, mine didn't set up like bricks within 2 hours like everyone said the would either. I was so afraid I screwed something up. But they did eventually get good and hard like they were supposed to. I think I ended up giving them the normal overnight to set up and unmolded in the morning...