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  1. Navaria

    Spilled FO

    Cat litter. Don't laugh. The cheap clay stuff. It's designed to absorb and remove odors. It's strong enough to clean up oil in a driveway, I would think a FO should be no match for it.
  2. Navaria

    EO or FO tint as the coloring in a swirl

    I agree with Steve. Try it and see. I honestly can't say as I haven't tried it. And post pictures when you're done! Teach us all what happens when! :)
  3. Navaria

    EO or FO tint as the coloring in a swirl

    I'm not following what you mean. Do you mean the slightly yellow color some fo's have, or do you mean the darkening that comes from the vanillin content? You can scent as much or as little of your soap as you want. When it comes to color and fragrance, there really aren't many things that are...
  4. Navaria

    First batch of soap the right way lol

    Depends on the color. If I remember correctly, red does ok, but blue will turn purple. I *think* yellow fades a bit, and green morphs too, but I can't say for sure. The only ones I've actually used are red and blue. The others I just read about. Plus all 4 will fade if exposed to bright light...
  5. Navaria

    Taste awful!

    LS paste. Don't know why it tastes so much worse than bar soap, but it does. And the taste stays with me for hours! No matter what I drink!
  6. Navaria

    First batch of soap the right way lol

    Whew! I was afraid you only had enough lye for the lard you added originally lol. Lard recipes take longer to get thick, but they will eventually. There's no need to add your other oils after you add the lye. Don't get me wrong, you can but you don't have to. With some recipes, you could end up...
  7. Navaria

    First batch of soap the right way lol

    May I ask why you added the olive and coconut oil after you mixed the lye water with the lard? I'm guessing from the way your post reads that's what you did. What was the weight of all your oils and the weight of your lye? I think I have an idea of why it's so thin, but I just want a little more...
  8. Navaria

    First batch of soap the right way lol

    I believe she meant mixing by hand could take a long long time for it to reach trace (get thicker). As long as you got it to at least emulsion it will go ahead and saponify. How long it take to unmold will depend on if it gels or not, as Shunt said. What kind of mold did you use, and what did...
  9. Navaria

    The Wide World of Emulsifiers

    Yes, mine was straight water. Some day (maybe) I will understand the science as to why certain products work with some things and not with other lol
  10. Navaria

    SMF May Challenge- Interpretation, not Imitation

    Congrats to everyone who participated and especially to the winners!
  11. Navaria

    The Wide World of Emulsifiers

    I find this fascinating. I tried to emulsify EO's into straight water with PS80 to make a spray and couldn't get them to mix for anything. I tried PS20, and they mixed beautifully. So I basically had the opposite results as you did. I wonder if it has to do with the type of EO's used.
  12. Navaria

    Jojoba beads

    I haven't noticed them melting. But I've only played with it on my hands a bit, and not with hot water. I keep meaning to use it, but right now I'm kind of hooked on the emulsified scrub I made. Oh! Maybe I should make an emulsified scrub with jojoba beads! That would be fun!
  13. Navaria

    Jojoba beads

    I mixed them with sugar in a sugar scrub. I've also used them as the "stars" in my All American Guy soap. I really like the gentle exfoliation they give.
  14. Navaria

    Why so many products that do the same thing?

    Ah, that would make sense. I didn't even consider that possibility. I think I want to do more research and figure out what the bare minimum I would need as far as preservatives and emulsifiers would be and then try to make a much simpler version that still has all the good stuff my hair craves.
  15. Navaria

    Weekend soaps

    Awesome looking soaps!
  16. Navaria

    Why so many products that do the same thing?

    It's a split end sealer/protector for easily damaged hair. Redken Extreme Sealer Split End Treatment to be exact. I love how it keeps my hair from breaking off, especially where I put it in a pony tail.
  17. Navaria

    Why so many products that do the same thing?

    I've spent the majority of the day researching the ingredients in one of my favorite hair products. I've looked up each one and taken notes on what they do. I would like to eventually be able to make a product that gives me similar results, but doesn't cost $24 for a 1.7 oz tube!! Here are the...
  18. Navaria

    total noob questions

    Castile really needs a good year to cure. With that being said, most all soaps will continue to get better the longer they cure. There really isn't a chart, because there are so many variables. A bar with high water will take much longer to fully cure and harden than the same oil combination...
  19. Navaria

    Cutter question

    I actually have one very much like that, only mine is made of bamboo. Mine came with a wavy cutter, and if I use it, it cuts beautiful bars. If I use a regular knife, the slot is too wide and I have to be very careful or I don't get straight bars. I want to get an actual straight bar cutter and...
  20. Navaria

    Mouse Proofing Drying/Curing Rack

    If you're lucky enough to have a smaller hardware store around you that does rescreening for windows, you may be able to get the metal window screen mesh. It's getting harder and harder to find the metal. Everyone wants to go to the nylon stuff now, and a mouse can and will chew through it. But...