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  1. D

    beginner question about dried herbs and additives

    I bet the longer trace time has to do with the mixer I use, it's a mortar mixer attached to a corded power drill, which I was probably only spinning at 2000rpm. Those stick mixers with single speeds are more like 9500 rpm. That and the 5lbs per batch maybe? I probably stirred it 5 minutes...
  2. D

    beginner question about dried herbs and additives

    both of those sound great! I had a ton of basil this year and was thinking about adding some dried basil into a batch or two if these two turned out well.
  3. D

    beginner question about dried herbs and additives

    Wow, so many responses, thanks for the tips! I am dividing into 2-5lb batches, one I'll add dried lemon zest (ground) and lemon/sweet orange EO, and the other batch I'll do the ground rosemary (finely ground) and add rosemary EO and some mint EO. I'm currently waiting on the lye water to cool...
  4. D

    beginner question about dried herbs and additives

    okay, I'm about to start my first batch tomorrow, I have read up on the basics and am ready to go, however I have a question about when to add my dried herbs and such. I am going to make about 10 lbs total soap, using olive, lard, and coconut oils in 45%, 44%, and 11% ratios respectively. At...