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  1. C

    yellow edges on soap

    hmmm, i was doing some research and I don't use canola or safflower oil. Usually olive oil, cocounut oil, and palm oil as a base, then either shea or cocoa butter, apricot kernel oil, sweet almond oil. (but all in pretty small quantities). For some reason I was under the impression that...
  2. C

    help! my body butter is melting!

    thank you all for the great advice. i was worried that I was doing something wrong... a cooler is a great idea. I do, though, think I'll hold off until fall. Too much hassle!
  3. C

    yellow edges on soap

    hello all, i have little packaging covers for my soaps. The only part that is exposed is the outer edges. Sometimes, the outer edges turn yellow. What is this and how do i prevent it? It's weird, because i store my soaps in boxes with holes drilled in them. The yellow edge won't be on all...
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    thanks for all the good wishes! my eye still hurts and is my vision is blurred, but the doctor said that will be normal for 3-5 days bc i have to put a cream right on my eye. yikes!
  5. C

    What's your favorite ingredient?

    jojoba oil!!!!
  6. C


    Hey all, so earlier i was making soap (I've made literally like 100 batches, at least). As i poured the lye mixture into the oils, it splashed up into my eye. i immediately flushed it with water for 10 minutes and called a friend to bring me to the eye doctor. Turns out I burned a whole in...
  7. C

    body oil vs. massage oil

    what's the difference between body oil and massage oil?
  8. C

    lanolin and its substitutes

    I am going to make body oils. I have a bottle, and it's super simple. The ingredients are peanut oil, olive oil, lanolin, vitamin E, and fragrance. I make vegan products, and am looking for a substitute for lanolin. Why is it in body care products? I've read that jojoba can be substituted...
  9. C

    help! my body butter is melting!

    I sell soap at the Farmer's Market. This week, I introduced my new body butter. (shea and cocoa butter, jojoba and sweet almond oil, essential oils). it was hard when i got there, and almost completely liquid when i left!! it was like 95 degrees out. Is this normal? how can i avoid this...
  10. C

    body butter newbie

    ok great, thanks for the tips. it's sat for just about 2 days now, and it's finally starting to harden a bit. also, i made a mistake in my posting. i didn't use hempseed oil, but coconut oil. does that change anything? body butters are awesome! can they be used right away?
  11. C

    body butter newbie

    i'm a soapmaker new to the body butter scene and i'm confused. my first recipe was: 5 oz shea butter 5 oz cocoa butter 3 oz sweet almond oil 3 oz jojoba oil i combined everything, and melted it in a double broiler (do i melt them all the way, or just until soft). then i whipped...
  12. C

    Check out my website!

    check out the About Me section for the answer to that ! ;) Also, i played around with a bunch of names, and i wanted something earthy. I thought of things that i've loved for a long time and wouldn't get sick moons and roots! Before, i went through a zebra obsession and wanted the...
  13. C

    Check out my website!

    ok! thanks everyone- i think Brad fixed it for me. It'd be great if those of you who had troubles could try again and see if it worked. were you using internet explorer, by any chance? we did some tests and it seems like the only problem was with IE. hope it works for ya'll! Christelle
  14. C

    Check out my website!

    huh, i wonder why that is?? i'll have to ask my tech expert!! thanks!
  15. C

    Check out my website!

    Wow, zajanatural! Your soap looks AWESOME! what a great idea! do you make up all your own recipes?
  16. C

    Check out my website!

    hehe... i just noticed that too!! my friend is in the process of changing it. thanks for the heads up! fyi, soaps are 5, massage oils are 8!
  17. C

    Check out my website!

    Hey everyone! My website is up and running! Give it a gander! Enjoy!! p.s. my friend made the website for me...let's home the pay pal works ;)
  18. C

    grapefruit seed extract vs. orris root powder

    I read somewhere that it was also a preservative, but who knows! If you use it to anchor scent (which i've heard too) do you use grapefruit seed extract as well to preserve?
  19. C

    grapefruit seed extract vs. orris root powder

    I'm experimenting with these preservatives. Anyone out there done the dirty work already!? I made 2 batches of soap, one with grapefruit seed extract and 1 with orris root, and I am going to compare the 2.... i'm afraid it'll take a LOOOOOONg time!
  20. C

    Excessive ash on and in soap

    what's the recipe? did you use a FO or EO that colored the bar?