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Soapmaking Forum

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    I might as well introduce myself as well....

    Hello everyone! I am happy to be part of your forum! I have already posted a question and have had it answered very quickly by Ian....I can tell I will enjoy your forum alot. I have had the same question in another forum (I won't mention which one) for over 2 months now without
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    Blacken Beeswax

    Thank you Ian!! Muchly appreciated!
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    Pariffin Wax

    Paraffin is a by-product of the petroleum industry and soy is a product of the agricultural industry. Paraffin is actually plant material--really , really old plants but still plants. Soy wax is the result of prcessing oil pressed from soy beans. Soy burns with a tan colored soot which is...
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    nearly genius wick holder...

    I use wooden BBQ skewers. You can purchase them at the dollar store in two different sizes and I curl the wicks around them and lay it acroos the jars. Works fantastic. Be careful you don't leave them laying around though...they could prove to be dangerous but that's another post... :)
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    Blacken Beeswax

    Hello All!! I am new to your forum and excited to join you in your discussions..... I have been a candle maker and soap maker for 2 years now and I love every minute of it...well most times anyway... I am wondering if anyone knows how to blacken beewax? I want to make some really primitive...