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  1. G

    vitamin e oil by itself

    thank you so much for this recommendation!
  2. G

    vitamin e oil by itself

    this information was very helpful, thank you! i was completely unaware that the qualities of the oils will be changed due to coming in contact with the lye. i suppose i have a lot of researching to do :-) this information was very helpful, thank you! i was completely unaware that the qualities...
  3. G

    vitamin e oil by itself

    thank you for the advice! i have read that certain oils contribute to different qualities of the soap and that's exactly why i wasn't sure if vitamin e oil would work by itself. i will definitely check out the article!
  4. G

    vitamin e oil by itself

    good afternoon everyone! i have never made soap before and i am interested in making some cold processed goat milk soap. i have been researching recipes and i have came across a lot that call for lard, olive oil, or coconut oil. however, the only oil/fat i am interested in using for my soap...