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  1. CaraCara

    Escape to Sunny Florida! Fun in the Sun!

    That so sucks. I mean it truly. I pity anyone from the north who thought they were escaping to Sunny Florida right now. TVivian isn't trying to rub anything in at all. ;)
  2. CaraCara

    How long in the freezer?

    Cure time won't really be affected.
  3. CaraCara

    Views from soapers

    I like CP for when I'm feeling ambitious but my preference is HP because of the cleanup and the fact that EO/FO's are more likely to stick for longer. Still need to work on MP, which I find difficult.
  4. CaraCara

    Intense Hair Conditioner Recipe Request Keep scrolling down and you will find a recipe for intense conditioner. I would also recommend Susan's blog, which has TONS of info on ingredients. She is very generous with information and recipes...
  5. CaraCara


    Are those beads you're making?
  6. CaraCara

    Infused calendula...

    I use some of it but not all. Looks nice, IMO.
  7. CaraCara

    Newbie Lavender Soap - notes and photos

    I think you did a great job and I bet they smell lovely. The nice thing about HP is you use less than the recommended amount of FO or EO and achieve the same 'level' of scent. Your soap will be very nice. :)
  8. CaraCara


    I think it's possible but the competition is fierce if you're selling in the states. There are so many vendors selling at basically wholesale prices. At least you have decent shipping rates with USPS.
  9. CaraCara

    What do you guys think?

    Evening primrose is expensive. Although it does have label appeal there is no real guarantee that the beneficial qualities will survive saponification. I would save the luxurious oils for leave-products or use it in HP as a SF.
  10. CaraCara

    My soaps for the next BB swap

    Ok. Those are awesome.
  11. CaraCara

    The word association game

  12. CaraCara

    The word association game

  13. CaraCara

    Dollar Tree Finds

    Isn't it lovely when you get a big box full of stuff? Looking forward to seeing your soap when it's cut. Dollar Tree has some great stuff in there...I'm always on the hunt for the perfect thing. If your spatulas disintegrate pls post a photo. A few of us found out the hard way about why...
  14. CaraCara

    Colloidal Silver soaps-fact or fiction, you tell me!

    Sorry, but $120.00 for a glycerine soap ball is ridiculous. I did a Google search for a recipe and came up with this old thread: Hopefully the link works. Do a search in the forum. as there might be more. If you wanted to make some I...
  15. CaraCara

    Shampoo Bar - Thanks Lindy!!

    I so wish I could use these bars on my head. I made a batch last spring using Lindy's recipe and my hair wound up being such a serious rat's nest that no amount of ACV, oil treatments or conditioners could quell the fury for a few months. Now it's a wonderful facial bar.
  16. CaraCara

    New website, did it all myself

    Well done! I like the layout and love the name. One thing I did not see was how many ounces the bars are estimated to be.
  17. CaraCara

    Wines soaps - the good and bad

    They turned out just fine. I have yet to make a wine soap--the bottle gets emptied before I can get to it. :mrgreen:
  18. CaraCara

    ACK! NDA's new $100 minimum order policy!

    Agreed on the poor practice. I could see a $50.00 minimum, as most probably order around that threshold to make the shipping charges worthwhile (I do, anyway), but $100.00 is deliberately weeding out the small clients. Must be cutbacks in their pick-and-pack operations because the $20.00...
  19. CaraCara

    Bubbles, bubbles, bubbles !

    Icing sugar, honey, Aunt Jamima, corn/maple syrup. Sugars work wonders for bubblage, and one day I will discipline myself to learn exactly why (or maybe DeeAnna will pop in and explain ;)).
  20. CaraCara

    Hi from Canada

    Hello and welcome! :D