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  1. M

    WSP flash sale today.

    Yea.. you rock! Was planning my first order today at lunch.. I will wait until I get home and maybe save a little, or be able to buy more .... yea.. that's the ticket! Thanks for the heads up!
  2. M

    Soap related humor & MEMES with soap on their mind

    Thanks, I needed that this morning.. LOL.:grin:
  3. M

    My new answer to the "Soap Making Process" question

    Thus far inspiration is gained from some post on this forum. Then I will spend the next week investing way to many hours bouncing between this forum, SoapCalc and my note book, finally printing off a recipe Friday evening. Saturday evening will be spent dragging out out the box of supplies and...
  4. M

    WSP sale - what are you getting?!

    Thank you so much! I appreciate you clearing that up. I am about to place an order and wanted to be prepared to soap when they arrive, yea.. can't wait.:) Now off to narrow down the shopping cart to a "reasonable" number of oils. Thanks again and have a great day!
  5. M

    WSP sale - what are you getting?!

    Old thread I know but going to give this a shot anyway. Can one of you fine folks help me understand how to calculate how much of a FO purchased from WSP to use in a batch of soap? I see listed max usage rates listed for each oil but they very wildly, some as low as 3% some up to 50% . Thus far...
  6. M

    This weeks soaps

    I have to say of the many things I have learned here this one comes up often..I understand that they didn't come out as you expected .. but to be honest .. they still look really good. It seems a common theme of folks posting bars that "didn't come out as expected" that are still awesome...
  7. M

    This weeks soaps

    Have to go with the consensus here, they all look awesome but I am drawn to the Coconut Lime. Maybe it's because I have been searching the pencil line thing over the last couple of days. What did you use to create your line? I have been toying with trying it with coco powder as I have it handy.
  8. M

    Costco finds

    I SO need to find a Costco.. I paid that much for 8 oz at my local grocery store.. :problem:
  9. M

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    I made it through all 157 pages of the Soap pictures thread, came to the realization that me and my first spoon swirl have a LONG way to go. Completed my beveling tool, but have to admit I feel a bit of loss cutting away some of the soapy goodness I am trying to create, is that just a bit...
  10. M

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    What is your take on the Ginger Patchouli FO? Sounds interesting :)
  11. M

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    First attempt at a spoon swirl . Not exactly spring colors but it's what I had to work with. Hemp soap with spearmint, eucalyptus and patcholi. Pretty happy with it though.
  12. M

    No One Told Me...

    Snicker, just wait soon you will be spending your lunch hour on SoapCalc :)
  13. M

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Did my first spoon swirl this morning and am going crazy waiting the 24 hours to un-mold and cut. Began construction on a corner planer to remove those sharp edges.
  14. M

    No One Told Me...

    Welcome to the forum and as you have discovered the addiction. I too am new to this adventure and want to tell you don't feel like the Lone Ranger on your observations. I found most of the pots pans and such to get started at yard sales and slipped into the illusion that this would be an...
  15. M

    A Poppy Saga

    I think they look great! Perfect for the upcoming spring season :)
  16. M

    Sugar as a bubble booster in a salt bar?

    Ah yea! Out in 5 hours and no ash... yet. We will have to see how it cures out. This one reached its highest temp at hour 2 where the first batch, made two weeks ago didn't peak out until hour 5. I tried to do a bit of swirled action on the top with some of the unscented batter. I colored the...
  17. M

    Sugar as a bubble booster in a salt bar?

    In the mold and curing! If this batch plays out like the last I will be able to cut it in about 7 hours or so. I will say it was fun watching the process last time. I checked the loaf and temp every hour. Watched it heat up and gel then begin to cool and harden up. I had never witnessed the...
  18. M

    Sugar as a bubble booster in a salt bar?

    Thanks to all for the input! I believe I will delve into a bit of it all. Two weeks ago I made my first salt bars with a little hemp in them. Today I had planned on making the same recipe only replacing the hemp with avocado. (I have both of those oils left over from the new soaper rush that...
  19. M

    Sugar as a bubble booster in a salt bar?

    With further consideration and a cocktail I think I agree with you CaraBou. I guess with the extreamly high percentage of CO and remembering that it is supposed to be the only oil the will lather "in salt water" it would kinda be a mute point. I made a batch 2 weeks ago, going to make another...
  20. M

    Sugar as a bubble booster in a salt bar?

    Is there any value in adding sugar to the lye water in a salt bar recipe? And if so at what porpotion? From what I can see in other threads the usage rate seems to vary by personal preference between 1 Tsp and 1 Tbsp PPO. But can't find specific mention of its use in salt bars.