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  1. M

    Is this a typo?

    That makes total sense...definitely not the name I would have gone with. I have seen others carry Witch's Brew, although probably not the Yankee dupe. Scent-sations (Mia Bella) also carries Witch's brew that smells very close to the Yankee type.
  2. M

    Is this a typo?*****es-brew-fragrance-oil-.html or is this the real name of the FO?
  3. M

    Crossed the Lard Bridge

    I am testing the cut of soap, not the top. Either way it is a fun thing to show my kids. I have and intend to rely more on zap testing than ph strips to ascertain the lye levels in my soap. The point I was making with the ph post was that the lard soap at less age is already lower than the non...
  4. M

    Crossed the Lard Bridge

    I am brave, I fear nothing. If it is going to mess up it is because I messed up. I take really detailed notes and learn from my mistakes. I have actually turned the curing process into a homeschool lesson for my kids. We test the ph of a bar each night before bed. The ph of my first (non-lard)...
  5. M

    Crossed the Lard Bridge

    Didn't take me long to come over to the lard side. My 2nd batch was coconut milk lard soap which I was scared was going to seize up on me...came to a seriously quick trace, so I stopped and added my fragrance and hoped for the best... Well this FO is said to accelerate trace and cause...
  6. M

    Slate and stone scent

    I know this a really old post. However, I have this very same question, so I figure I will bump it to see if anyone can answer it. I think it smells vaguely like Drakkar cologne, but not quite. I am thinking of ordering a bar and taking it to a fragrance person to see if they can dupe it.
  7. M

    Coming over to the lard side

    Could the piggy smell be related to boar taint? I know that some people are more sensitive to the taste, so maybe the smell is the same way?
  8. M

    Eye safe soap

    I shared this information with her. I had to at least try to help her. I pretty much told her she will need to continue to use J&J for his hair and could use a handcrafted soap for the rest of his body. This made her happy, so win-win. Thank you everyone for the prompt answers.
  9. M

    Eye safe soap

    What is a syndet bar? Would Castille burn less than other bars maybe?
  10. M

    Eye safe soap

    I have a friend who has a special needs kiddo that needs a bar of soap that won't burn the eyes. She wants homemade since she is tired of all the chemicals. Do you guys (and gals) have any suggestions?
  11. M

    New to the addiction

    I used green chrome oxide from BB. I was surprised by how little color it took. I need to come up with a recipe to use the amounts of oils I have left. Olive and Coconut are what I have the least of at the current moment. I have plenty of Shea Butter, Avocado and Castor oil left...any...
  12. M

    New to the addiction

    Have a little bit of soda ash, got a partial gel and the bars will need cleaned up when cured, BUT I would call this batch a the long wait begins....
  13. M

    New to the addiction

    Things I learned tonight: 1. Herbal Essence FO from BB eats through plastic dixie cups 2. The very slight ricing caused by the FO is easily fixed thanks to OCD youtube habit. 3. I hope all my batches behave like this, but don't expect that they will That was fun and extremely relaxing even for...
  14. M

    New to the addiction

    I have always been a "go big or go home" kind of gal. Thank you everyone for the advice! I shall post pics when I am done molding, cutting and eventually curing even if it is an ugly batch.
  15. M

    New to the addiction

    Thank you Arthur! I am calm as can be....NOT...but not nervous just REALLY excited. I have been researching and learning for about a year now. I love creative stuff and science stuff so this hobby should be right up my alley! Any tips on how Herbal Essence from Brambleberry behaves? Anything I...
  16. M

    New to the addiction

    Tomorrow I will be gettin my soap on for the first time. I have my stuff (gloves and goggles included), Brambleberry order will be here tomorrow....weeeeee This is either going to be a big success or a huge failure lol...hooked already and haven't even made my first batch. Good thing hubby...
  17. M

    BB 10 inch silicone mold question

    Tada...I figured it out...about the size of a deck of playing cards...although thicker if you cut the bars 1 inch thick
  18. M

    BB 10 inch silicone mold question

    I know the technicalities of those dimensions...I just cannot picture the size of the bar in my head...
  19. M

    BB 10 inch silicone mold question

    Teresa, I figure it is the the "Lou Costello" model lol
  20. M

    BB 10 inch silicone mold question

    Inside 10" x 3 5/8" x 2.25" and it holds 50 oz total batch