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  1. dblbubble

    Perfect coffee fragrance and bar

    I made some "latte" soap w/BBs Espresso FO and really like it. I think it has more of a hazelnut coffee scent. I colored and scented the bottom half, but not the white top. The bottoms are starting to turn a darker brown, but that's's coffee!
  2. dblbubble

    Stearic Streaks or Soda Ash?

    It's pretty much throughout the soap, on top and into the soap itself. In the past, this didn't wash off, so that's why I thought it was stearic. I'm stumped because I went with a 34% lye concentration (water discount) that works great for my smaller batches. Why would it do this for a larger...
  3. dblbubble

    Bath bombs wont harden

    Drop your SLSA down to 1 T and don't use coconut oil, use a liquid carrier oil instead. The coconut oil (IMO) has a tendency to make BBs not really harden very well, same with melted coco butter. Plus when it gets hot in the summer time, solid oils can remelt/get soft. Also, if you do change to...
  4. dblbubble

    How much slsa in a bath bomb

    Drop it down to 1 tablespoon. My "sample/experiment" batch recipe that I use to try new recipes has a similar citric acid/baking soda ratio as yours and I only use 1 T.
  5. dblbubble

    Bath Bomb Troubleshooting Help Needed Please

    It's summer time, do you possibly have a lot of humidity in your house? I have found that a dehumdifier made a HUGE difference for me; all of my BBs were getting warts until I started using a dehumdifier. In the wintertime, I don't need one, of course.
  6. dblbubble

    Stearic Streaks or Soda Ash?

    I'm not sure if what I have is stearic streaks/spots or deep soda ash. I KNOW it's not lye, as I did the "zap" test...just soap. My recipe is on the Soap Calc pic, and I soaped at 103° for the oils and 113° for the lye water. I don't get this on my smaller, 3 lb. batches; this was for a 5 lb...
  7. dblbubble

    Chalky Bath Bombs from SLSA?

    Dahlia I'm not using clay and rarely alcohol. That's the frustrating part of making bath bombs...what works for one person may not work or be preferable for another. BBs are as elusive and personal as they are scientific, IMO. :-) LOL! For me, it's a preference thing. The BBs come out great...
  8. dblbubble

    Chalky Bath Bombs from SLSA?

    Hazel, that's a thought about mixing the SLSA powder with Coco betaine. Hmmm... I was watching a Youtube video yesterday of BBs made with a combo of coco betaine, glycerine, and liquid Castile soap in place of SLSA, and that appeals to me since SLSA is so darn expensive! Plus, I'm not a big...
  9. dblbubble

    Chalky Bath Bombs from SLSA?

    No, I don't think misting them with anything will make a difference, as it will inevitably dry and I will be right back where I was. Also, for some reason, witch hazel does not do well with my bombs. I've made them with and without kaolin clay, and the difference is definitely there with the...
  10. dblbubble

    Chalky Bath Bombs from SLSA?

    I've been tweaking my BB recipe to get that perfect bomb and I like the use of SLSA in them; however, I do notice the bombs tend to have a "chalky" or more "powdery" feel/finish to them when I use SLSA. I primarily use light oils in my BB recipe and thought that by using a hard butter like...
  11. dblbubble

    Poly 80 or SLSA Choice?

    Thanks Kathy. You know the old saying, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over-and-over and expecting a different result"? Well, that seems to be the case, but I'm enjoying the process. I keep a notebook and take notes on what works, what doesn't, the results, suggestions...
  12. dblbubble

    Poly 80 or SLSA Choice?

    Dahlia, thank you! I had the same effect and thought the stickiness was a result of using a hard butter like coco butter. I thought the coco butter contributed to a waxy feel on my skin, as it hardens at room temp. I do like what it does, but have definitely found the % amounts recommended in...
  13. dblbubble

    Poly 80 or SLSA Choice?

    Hello everyone! I'm a new member, but a long time stalker. I finally jumped into the deep end of bath bomb making 2 months ago and have been making sample bath bombs almost every day to see what works and what doesn't. I've been tweaking as I go along in order to find my "ideal" recipe...