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  1. T

    Mica prices in the great white north.

    I'm from Canada as well, and I've purchased a few micas and oxides from voyageur soap. I haven't bought any mica as of recently, so I can't recall whether or not their micas are expensive.
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    Preservative added to body butter months later

    So I have a body butter I made for myself that only contains soy butter and avocado oil. I never added a preservative because it doesn't contain water and it's for myself. So to my understanding, you don't need to add a preservative because it doesn't contain any water. But on a molecular level...
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    Opinions on Canadian Suppliers

    I've had a pretty similar experience to you when ordering from Saffire. I had waited about a week before my order was processed and after I received my order in the mail, I was missing 14 tins out 40! I I got into contact with their customer service, and they told me they had emailed me two days...
  4. T

    So angry. Bath salt tins rusted.

    Well I have mini salves in metal slide tins, and I've had no problem with rust so far. I've been making those for 4 years. Youd think if you're using wax in your solid lotions, water can't penetrate through it to cause the metal to oxidize. But I'm no chemist! sucks!
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    So angry. Bath salt tins rusted.

    I did email the customer service of the company I bought the tins from. But it's a long weekend in Canada, so I have to wait until Tuesday. Sigh, that makes me so mad. I've been making bath salts for 4 years now and I've never run into that problem before. This year the weather has been just out...
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    So angry. Bath salt tins rusted.

    I am soooo angry. I bought these beautiful tins to house my bath salts, and today when I went to use some, I found rust on the sides! This has never happened before, and I've been packaging my salts in these metal tins for 2 years now. There was absolutely NO water in this particular tin, as it...
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    Lye in bucket turned to liquid???

    Ooh! I like that idea of using it for cleaning. I think maybe that's what I'll do :) thanks for the suggestion.
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    Lye in bucket turned to liquid???

    I will definitely be contacting the hazardous waste disposal center for this. There's not a ton of liquid, but there is a fair amount of solid lye that is left in the bucket. It normally does have a tight fitting lid. But I must've not pushed it down all the way last time I used it. I opened...
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    Lye in bucket turned to liquid???

    Sigh. There was a time last week when the lid was off for a few days. It must've been from that. How sad :(
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    Lye in bucket turned to liquid???

    I have no idea what happened, but when I went into my soap room today to make soap, my lye was part liquid! I had moved some of my lye into a big industrial bucket for easy storage, but now I'm wondering if that was a bad idea? Maybe I'm not supposed to do that. Someone help! Will the now-liquid...
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    Madder not infusing?

    I've done this. So save you the time....I've had madder hanging out in some oil for about 6 months now, and there is absolutely no change in the color of the oil. I've been thinking of perhaps grinding the madder in a blender and see if that helps with infusion.
  12. T

    hiring sales rep to sell product?

    Thank you for everyone's replies. I'm going to do some homework on this. I'm thinking it could be a good way to generate income and sales on the off seasons and to encourage repeat business made over Christmas time.
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    how do i start selling full time? and write a successful business plan

    Thanks dixiedragon, you have a great point. You're definitely right, i keep telling myself no!
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    hiring sales rep to sell product?

    i just read this very interesting post just now, and I have questions! I'm somewhat familiar with Avon and Scentsy...but I'm wondering if doing this for soap would be profitable? If i were to hire a sales rep or two, i wouldn't need to...
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    Adobe Photoshop?

    Adobe Photoshop is pretty expensive. I know that there are other graphic programs out there that are cheaper, if not free. I use photoshop because i've been using it for 10 years, and I love it. But it takes a lot of learning to use it to it's full potential. And using photoshop strictly for...
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    how do i start selling full time? and write a successful business plan

    So i have been making soap for about 4 years now, and have only recently started to sell. I do seasonal craft fairs and the occasional Farmer's Market. I have gotten spontaneous response doing these shows, and i want to take this to the next level. I am considering on wanting to do this full...
  17. T

    Supply Buying Sites Question :)

    I know with UPS, I have requested to not have to sign for packages. And I'm pretty sure is has to do with the dollar amount of the package. Before you place your order, contact the shipping courier and ask. :)
  18. T

    can i fix this liquid soap recipe?

    Oh wow! Thats exactly what I had but I ended up tossing it out! Poo. I'm going to try and find that thread! Thanks so much.
  19. T

    can i fix this liquid soap recipe?

    Ah! This makes me feel better knowing this. I just tried too many times and got fed up. I wish I would've never tossed the batch. lady-of-4, did you ever let the liquid come to room temperature, or did you dilute right away? Because I'm wondering if your batch would turn to a thick, taffy at...
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    can i fix this liquid soap recipe?

    So this is just an update on what happened. I went and bought a brand spankin' new kitchen aid stick blender. I wanted a stainless steel one because I've gone thru 2 plastic SB's because they break and melt. So I did my calculations and added in my lye and glycerin. I stick blended the CRAP put...