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  1. C

    My new all-natural CP soap project

    The grapeseeds were ground to a powder form, so i think the scratching will not be that bad.. Anyway, i will see in 6 weeks :-)
  2. C

    My new all-natural CP soap project

    My first as-natural-as-it-gets CP :) Also my first use of (home made/rendered) lard. Green clay, activated charcoal, ground grapeseeds, essential oils for the scent. As usual, sorry for the poor lighting in the pics. Feedback welcome :)
  3. C

    Mica line first attempt soap

    Hi everyone. This is my first mica line soap, i did it just for trying the technique. The soap is full of activated charcoal and scented with BB's Black amber & lavender FO. Feedback is most welcome :)
  4. C

    Baby soap takes too much time to set.

    I made lard myself the other day, as i also could not find any online. I asked my butcher store to give me some pork fat. Thankfully it had no meat at all (far less work to do) so i washed it, dried it, cut it into small pieces with some citchen scissors and put it in a large pot (with just a...
  5. C

    First-Wash Phenomenon

    It definately happens with every single unused bar of soap. I would also blame it on soda ash.
  6. C

    Soap to Rid Chlorine Smell from Swimmer

    Coffee soaps are supposedly very strong deodorants.
  7. C

    Newbie! UK rules

    Hi. As every country has different regulations/laws, I would suggest googling first and contacting the responsible offices for more details. I am in the same spot as you are, hopefully the red tape, beurocracy and costs are better in the UK than in Greece...:( Good luck!
  8. C

    Advice regarding aloe gel, vegetable purees etc. how much is too much?

    I dont think there is right or wrong (except some obvious extremes), it is a matter of personal preferences and lots of experimentation. Most experienced soapers I know started with 6-7-8 different oils and butters too, but sooner or later settled to simpler recipes of 4-5 oils/butters. For my...
  9. C

    Are These Soda Ash or Lye Heavy?!

    I would be more concered about the orange spots i see there.
  10. C

    Some pics of soap I have made

    Amazing job, well done! Personally, i like the first one the most.
  11. C

    Has anyone tried this?

    Thank you for the input. I was thinking about a total black soap with just a hint of red or silver mica swirled inside for accent.. IrishLass @ very pretty soaps btw :)
  12. C

    Has anyone tried this?

    This may be a stupid question but i have to ask it anyway :-) I was thinking about mixing some micas with (for example) almond oil and use the premixed colorant for in the pot swirling directly on the soap batter. I mean only the mica-almond oil, without incorporating them in a portion of the...
  13. C

    2 new CP soaps!

    Thank you all for the feedback, it is greatly appreciated! The truth is that my wife and daughters prefer the first "failure" soap as well, even though they think the confetti soap in fun :) Good thing I shredded only 3 bars then :)
  14. C

    Halloween Soap

    Fantasic looking soap, sorry about your dad (I go through the same)...!
  15. C

    Swirl attempt...

    Very nice, well done!
  16. C

    2 new CP soaps!

    And the confetti...
  17. C

    2 new CP soaps!

    Hi everyone. You all have been there : prepared a design in your head, premixed your colorants for your intricate 4 -color- in- the- pot- swirl, everything was going great until you added the (supposedly non-accelerating) FO and it all turned into almost cement within milliseconds...:) I tried...
  18. C

    Mother of Dragons

    Looks amazing, congrats! Funny thing is that I had exactly the same thing on my mind for my next project :) I have already ordered activated charcoal, and will do a blue or red drop swirl on a total black base. I wish it will turn out half as good as yours :mrgreen:
  19. C

    Pictures for Friday

    Wow, gorgeous! Are all these made using a hanger? Amazing job, congrats!
  20. C

    Feather Swirl cp project (first try)

    Thank you, it came out better than expected!