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  1. D

    Lost in lotion bars

    No sir, no update 😔 Im hoping to have time tomorrow. I did like the beeswax, coconut oil and cocoa butter one I did but have to work on what happened in pic 3 and getting it to melting alittle easier on skin,I was procrastinating till I got the arrowroot and avacado going to melt my...
  2. D

    Lost in lotion bars

    Ps os there anything I can put in for my crepey skin🙄😊😂
  3. D

    Lost in lotion bars

    Thank you for this,, I haven't tried lotion bars since this but, recently bought arrowroot powder and avacado oil and haven't been able to play with them yet...I will be trying this within next few days.. thank you for helping 👍need all I can get 😊
  4. D

    Need advice from the left handed people

    I'm getting alittle better at, doesn't look so angled anymore, have a hard time eyeing it up. Waiting for my cheese cutter to come Saturday but had to cut batch today and only 2 are lil obvious, getting better 👍 Sorry bout your awful teacher,mine came 3rd grade Mrs Leo she would leave her finger...
  5. D

    Need advice from the left handed people

    Going to go look on Etsy 👀..thank you..When I lived in Vegas in the early 90's they had a store that took up the whole length of a block and it was called the left handed store.It had some great stuff in it but don't think it's there anymore... Great job looking out for the lefty hubby👍
  6. D

    Need advice from the left handed people

    Cool so I can blame it on my tool and not me,I like that,😂 just kidding I know I'm the problem also.I have a hard time looking over cutter to make sure straight line to cut then pushing down's irritating but glad to know when I do get a wire cutter that they still won't weigh the...
  7. D

    Need advice from the left handed people

    Thank you..seen the extra space and thought would cause uneveness..this looks alittle better maybe? Going to price joyfulsudz cutter also
  8. D

    Need advice from the left handed people

    That's a good idea..that's awesome find
  9. D

    Need advice from the left handed people

    😂 Yep..I can do everything else right handed, including writing, almost as good.. but can't seem to look over cutter and cut straight down😭
  10. D

    Need advice from the left handed people

    That's nice,I'll have to look up and price..thank you
  11. D

    Need advice from the left handed people

    Thought about that also, but was going to be looking over my arm to cut..will have to look into seen this
  12. D

    Need advice from the left handed people

    How do you cut your soap? 🤔😂I can do alot of things right handed but this,this got me....I have the basic soap cutters in picture and trying to make straight none of my bars weight the same 😞 I was told to get.. . But,some reviews I've read...
  13. D

    Lost in lotion bars

    Thank you very much for responding ,might put this on back burner till I read more about natural powders to cut greasy feeling and move on to next project making bath bombs mold came in so going to read and make one see how that goes
  14. D

    Lost in lotion bars

    Thank you ,need to look into arrowroot sometime but,trying to work with what I have for now or just move on to my next project bath bombs 😂
  15. D

    Lost in lotion bars

    Thank you, planning on buying different wades when can afford but trying to make due with what I have 👍😊
  16. D

    Lost in lotion bars

    Yes 1/3 parts each.. thank you and I'll look into it
  17. D

    Lost in lotion bars

    Since I have 6 1 lb batches of CP soap under my belt 😂👍and seem to over use the stick blender😞.I decided to give it a go at lotion bars. Test out soy wax in one and beeswax in other to get a feel for them. I have nothing to compare to since, never used one. Before I go any further sorry, for...
  18. D

    What to do?

    Thank you... Used to infuse dandelions a few weeks ago and went to use it today to make a non related batch of soap since my mold came and I just happened to see both listed and was hoping not to have to break it down..some times I over think somethings..thanks for the help👍😊
  19. D

    What to do?

    Thank you..
  20. D

    What to do?

    Lye calculator..