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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. M

    First Soap

    Mighty fine looking first soap! Welcome!
  2. M

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Well, this'll never happen again, so I had to document the evidence. Normally I'm as precise as I can be, and would have weighed batter and container and all that up front to figure mold size etc etc. Today I rebatched a bunch of old soaps and had the shreds going in the crockpot before I even...
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    Ribbon Pour

    Newbie, would you and the mods consider making this one of the future SMF challenge techniques?
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    Did it, Mommy soap

    Oh Carolyn how funny! Was just having a conversation with my youngest (named Caroline, too) who is pregnant with her first. Every conversation these days gets around to all things "baby." She's planning a midwife-attended home birth, and told me yesterday that her midwife and other friends...
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    Hi from Gaisy59

    Hi Gaisy! Welcome to the forum, and to soapmaking!
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    We're going to need a bigger soap dish...

    Oh you soapy people you! I'm among kindred spirits and I just love it! Such a timely post. I just received this from Amazon and installed it yesterday...
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    Browsing soap pics

    I wonder if the Coconut Mango Bar uses the ghost swirl technique of dual lye concentration? It looks as though the darker colored yellow gelled, whereas with the lighter didn't. what a cheerful soap!
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    Beginner Questions

    ^^^what Penelopejane said times a bajillion^^^ Truly, I think they should change that terminology in soapcalc to read "stripping" in place of "cleansing," and the bubbles number doesn't (indeed can't) take into account the other ingredients and factors that contribute to bubbles. Since you've...
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    Browsing soap pics

    Sushicat, I don't know who made the soap, but it looks very much like a DOUBLE teardrop pour. The teardrop was the subject of the May GreatCakes Soap Challenge. Kapia Mera was the winner of that challenge, and here is her video showing the technique:
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    Simple Liquid Soap Recipe

    Shelbyw, I hope it is not lost on you that this thread has thoroughly introduced you to the level of quality and integrity you'll always find on this forum! The answers that have been provided for your "simple" question provide education for anyone who is truly looking to learn. And BTW...
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    SMF June Challenge - Mosaic Soaps

    LisaAnne, I think you totally nailed it. The stripes, the colors, everything arranged so artfully. I really love this soap!
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    SMF June Challenge - Mosaic Soaps

    Who knew! Such a pretty orange! And if this design is an example of what you do when you're pressed for time and the goatlings have the oh my! It is serenely beautiful!
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    SMF June Challenge - Mosaic Soaps

    And the slab before the 1/2" tiles were sliced
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    SMF June Challenge - Mosaic Soaps

    Oop! Guess the pics were too large! Here's the soap dish I was going for
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    SMF June Challenge - Mosaic Soaps

    Thanks earlene! Here's what I was trying to mimic: I poured the tile slab using squeeze bottles---that was fun! Never used so many colors at once. Slicing them into little bits was a major pain! I had intended to push them down level into the "mortar" base, but I used an...
  16. M

    June Challenge Entry Thread

    Soap Dish Soap Here's my entry.....I so admire everyone's inspirations and artistry with this idea! My original plan called for a quilt block version of a long-tailed barn swallow, which we have an abundance of this year and which provide hours of entertainment and delight to watch. But it...
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    SMF June Challenge - Mosaic Soaps

    MySoapyHeart, I think I would know you anywhere. I may not know your name, but you are not anonymous to me. Your story and your soap really touched me. Thank you.
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    SMF June Challenge - Mosaic Soaps

    Earlene, your soap is gorgeous, just wonderful! Even more special now that I know the back story. I hope everyone who gets some it appreciates the heart and love that went into it. I know I sure would. What a lovely tribute!
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    SMF June Challenge - Mosaic Soaps

    How thoughtful and timely your soap will be! It's so nice when you can be happy with the soap that you've made, instead of hyper-critical with coulda shoulda woulda's. I can't wait to see it!
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    Newbie - feedback welcome

    Welcome cris01us! You've come to the right place for helpful and friendly advice on your new addiction. (Yeah, you can never make just one batch of soap so ---sorry, you may not realize it but you're already addicted, lol) I just wanted to mention that I watched the King's Roost YouTube video...