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  1. M

    For lotion crafters, have you ever submitted your cosmetic as a drug to fda?

    So i understand soap does not fall in the drug category as it's only purpose is to "clean" People however put ingredients in them to help "mitigate" conditions like acne making it a drug. And thus falls under the fda. Anyone here ever go through the process of actually submitting their product...
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    Dual Lye Soap? What is this amazing concept?!

    Is there a way to test the purity of it? From what it sounds, people do estimates based on potential variables like humidity.
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    How to disinfect lotion pumps?

    I got some bottles and lotion pumps from sks. They both came in bags and i don't trust that it is "clean". Since i can imagine it being handled by a few warehouses, packaged by å few people before landing in my own hands, with its own bacteria as well. So how do i go about disinfecting lotion...
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    Difference between lichen and oakmoss?

    Are their different species of lichen? Do you know of their subtle scent differences?
  5. M

    Difference between lichen and oakmoss?

    Both come up interchangeably. But it seems there are variances that separate them even though from the same plant. Where to buy both?
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    Dual Lye Soap? What is this amazing concept?!

    Wow, i didnt know sodium hydroxide wasnt 100% pure. From other groups, people always stressed to get "100%" lye. So i got mine from essential depot from their suggestions. I never put forth much thought into it after that, but i am taking it that you mean it is 100% lye, just not 100% lye...
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    Dual Lye Soap? What is this amazing concept?!

    Thank you Deeana for the math formula to the masterbatch. Just need to spend some time working it on paper so i don't have any mistakes. Never used Koh, so that will be a bit of a learning curve. Luckily i was always good at math :] You said multiply by the purity of the lye, Naoh and Koh...
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    Dual Lye Soap? What is this amazing concept?!

    Wow thank you Earlene, you were above and beyond helpful! Answering *almost all* of my questions lol. Soap for me doesn't last that long in my house either. Thank you for the links! Good reads! And hopefully someone here may have enough knowledge of master-batching dual lye. :]
  9. M

    Dual Lye Soap? What is this amazing concept?!

    I just read another thread not to far down from this one. Dual...lye...soap. What!! So many questions! 1) What does it do? I see people use it for shaving cream soap. Is it possible to have the Koh kept at low percentages to have a still firm bar of body soap with fluffier bubbles? (i have...
  10. M

    Celery in soap?

    A jelly roll pan? I will have to look into what that is. But i like the idea of chopping it, freezing it and using it for later use :] But i still want to make soap with celery, so might as well find out!
  11. M

    Celery in soap?

    How does it react in soap? I always seem to buy celery and never use it. So let's make soap with it! Who here has experience with it and what were the results?
  12. M

    Probably stupid question about sterilizing Mason Jars

    Do you need to sterilize mason jars to put dry material in it like sugar or botanicals? Or would simply wiping it with alcohol be sufficient
  13. M

    How to use woad?

    Anyone with experience using woad? Do you make an oil infusion, add to lye water, or just put in directly. Lots of places talk about indigo but not woad and how much to use ppo. Also, has anyone experience fading with woad?
  14. M

    Oil Infusion. How much to add to cp soap?

    I made a big jug of annatto infused olive oil. Boy is it so pretty!! I can't wait to try other natural dyes. But I have questions about how much to use. Do I substitute this for the entire amount of olive oil in a recipe? Or do you just use tsp/tbs ppo? Lastly, do you discount the amount of...
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    Difficulty Navigating IFRA website.

    I have used bramble berry, but I ultimately would like to make master batch blends of maybe 3 essential oils so I don't have to keep individually weighing out the oils. So to do this I would love to know the maximum usage rate of each essential oil. Every link I click on Ifra org either...
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    Difficulty Navigating IFRA website.

    I am trying to find the usage rates of certain essential oils like Lime or Cinnamon. I dont know how to find the list of essential oils and it's maximum usage rate, and if i do find something, it only shows for M.U.R for leave on products
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    Discrepancies in e.o usage rates?

    I don't know how to use excel for calculating usage levels for e.o's. Im just asking. If Soapcalc's standard 15.5 grams of essential/fragrance oil for every 500 grams of carrier oils. Is it safe to assume that is the (Maximum) amount of e.o that can be used. (BUT NOT) the maximum for a...
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    Liquid oils that make great bubbles?

    My heart feels pretty much the same that palm isn't the worst thing in the world to use. And that the problems from it are really the business in Asia doing bad practices. I'm just not sure I feel I want to add to the demand. I'm torn. I hear coconut is another oil that is being over...
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    Discrepancies in e.o usage rates?

    I think the consensus from many here is that soap calc is the most accurate lye calculator. But i am having an issue with it's fragrance reccomendations. If i have a base recipe of 500gram oil. It says to use 15.5 grams e.o/fragrance. But if i go to Brambleberry's fragrance calculator and...
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    Liquid oils that make great bubbles?

    So I want to stop using palm oil and replace it with other liquid vegetable oils; problem is that I don't want the quality of bubbles of to decrease, nor do I want to use animal bi products (lard). So what are some good liquid or soft oils to replace Palm that will contribute to fluffy lather?