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  1. N

    diy COLLAPSABLE light box

    That's actually pretty clever! I assume it would work just cutting up a cardboard box too?
  2. N

    Sandalwood Powder

    That is one pretty purple! While reading through the thread I expected to see a picture of an ugly greyish purple but that is just gorgeous. Post cure pictures would make me really happy :mrgreen:
  3. N

    Tomato Scent

    Hermitage has an tomato leaf... Can remember if it was an eo or absolute, that smells very true to the plant. Don't know how usefull that would be for you thought.
  4. N

    A lake of castor oil and tears

    I second penelopejane, who knew you could boil potatoes into fire briquettes?
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    Mini-epic scented soaping experiment

    My first thought is, did you use a ballon whisk? Because it will take days with anything else than a ballon whisk. I once made an 700-800g batch of 80% olive oil, whisked it outside, so slightly under room temperature, and it reached medium trace after 15-20min. Technique is also important, pay...
  6. N

    Laundry Soap Question

    So much great information!
  7. N

    Maximum of Cocoabutter in CP?

    That looks awesome, I have to try it someday 0o0
  8. N

    Pics of my latest CP soaps

    So pretty! I'm dying to try swirls:)
  9. N

    Identifying unidentified animal fat

    I found two jars of unidentified animal fat at my parentes house witch either they or the grandparents rendered themselves but there are no labels and nobody remember exactly what is in them, so I wonder if anybody know how to figure out what it is. Most likely it's either cow, pig or sheep...
  10. N

    scenting deodorant

    At the moment I scent my deodorant with a combination of lemon, ylang ylang and myrrh EOs which I think smells really nice but maybe not the best choice for deodorants~
  11. N

    Hot process liquid soap batter crubles

    I am really sorry. It wasn't my intention at all to sound like I was complaining and I realise now that I should have expressed myself differently. I am very thankful for the time and effort you put into trying to help me.
  12. N

    Hot process liquid soap batter crubles

    I gave up on getting more answers after a couple of hours and tried to fix the soap anyway. I don't want to sound ungrateful but I felt that I couldn't have soap with active lye standing around for days or maybe weeks while waiting for an answer especially not with everybody else in the house...
  13. N

    Blue moon Bomb

    Those looks awesome! I'v only ever made one basic batch of bath bombs and have no idea of how one makes embeds, how did you do?
  14. N

    Hot process liquid soap batter crubles

    Someone on this forum wrote a quite extensive explanation on how she makes cp liquid soap along with recommedations depending on how you are going to use your soap. I formulated the recipe acordingly. Her thread: I'm not an experienced...
  15. N

    Hot process liquid soap batter crubles

    Hello! Today I was attempting cold process liquid soap for the first time. The instructions I used suggested mixing KOH and water then pour over the oils and the heat from the lye solution would be enough to melt the oils. And you know it would probably have worked if I hadn't done this...