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  1. N

    Soaping with Pomace, Woes of a Kiwi

    Do you mean pomace olive oil? In that case it's fine to use, I think most people here use that or whatever is cheapest. I have no idea what kind of olive oil I'm using except that it's the cheapest at my local supermarket. Lol. Update: I just went to check on one of my bottles of olive oil and...
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    Favorite Soaping Patterns

    I haven't actually tried it yet but to me the cosmic wave have to be the coolest thing ever :mrgreen:
  3. N

    What would happen?

    Okay, this is getting embarrassing. But while looking for a picture or video or anything that would better show what I talked about in my previous posts I found this...
  4. N

    wheat grass powder

    what I remember from using wheatgrass before its fine to add it to the oils or to the soap batter without worrying about lumps. You could mix it with some oil before adding it to the batter/ soaping oils just to be sure though.
  5. N

    What would happen?

    Hm. So a wide short soap with a vertical mica/pencil line then? What about using a tall skinny mould with a horizontal line and when cut and tilted so it's standing on its long/wide side, it will look like a wide short soap with a vertical line. Of course that will put some limitations on what...
  6. N

    What would happen?

    I'm thinking you would get streaks at best. When watching YouTube videos there always is a fair amount of soap that sticks to the divider when pulling it out and that would probably coat the dusting and not allow it to stay in the loaf. An alternative could be making a very thin sheet of...
  7. N

    making of transparent soap I don't know how experienced you are but this one is a good first try I think. It's not THAT transparent but easier and safer to make since you won't use alcohol in it.
  8. N

    Design Trial

    That's absolutely awesome! Totally gonna steal it :mrgreen:
  9. N

    face scrub recipes please?

    Oh, right, I sort of remember that now. I actually went and tried washing a small part of my face with some polysorbate 60, with comes in a paste form (at least mine did) and it feels clean and oil-free afterwords, but I don't know if that is actually something you would want to do or if there...
  10. N

    face scrub recipes please?

    I have followed this thread but I can't remember what's been said and not. But what about something really simple with non-comedogenic oils as the base? Say, 5% BTMS or polawax, 20% macadamia/hazelnut/ mango butter and water for the rest? Than add whatever exfoliant you want. If it's to thin...
  11. N

    Hello from South Africa

    Well okay, I don't want to come across as too rude or anything but it feels a lot like you are way to inexperienced to make and sell your own soap with only a couple of batches under your belt. If you were experienced and knowledgeable enough to sell you would already know the answers to your...
  12. N

    CPOP alternative

    I'm thinking, just wrap it up in the electric blanket and take a look at it now and then to see how it's going and turn it off when it looks like the soap is done. And just leave it in the blanket to cool. At 40C chances of overheating is pretty small, no?
  13. N

    Need Advice on my recipe

    The standard would be upping your hard oils to at least 40-50%, and I would go with shunt's suggestion to use soy free hard oils such as palm/lard/tallow/butters/soy free shortening, especially if you want to keep the canola/grape seed oil in your recipe. I don't count coconut oil as an hard...
  14. N

    100% Lard Results

    Awesome! I've been curious of how a 100% lard soap would behave but I never come around to make one myself.
  15. N

    Kaolin white clay in cold process soap

    My impression is that clays mostly is used as either colorants or simply label appeal and doesn't really have any of the benefits in soap that it might have in say, a face mask. Clay adding a different feel to the lather might be true but you probably need a certain amount of experience to...
  16. N

    Feedback please for a challenge idea

    I think soaping with thin batter is a good idea, though I don't know what technique would complement it best :neutral:
  17. N

    Neon Cubes from Soap Queen's book

    I have those moulds too! Love them, very elegant looking and a 500g of oils soap batch fits perfectly. Love the soaps too, the cosmic wave swirl is by far my favourite technique!
  18. N

    Is this bay laurel berry oil?

    Okay, I will give it a try then and see how it goes. Thank you!
  19. N

    Too much water in soap! Can I save it?

    I've made an 80% rapeseed soap and it took literal months for it to set up, so it's probably not so much the extra water as the high amount of canola oil that makes it stay soft for such a long time.
  20. N

    Is this bay laurel berry oil?

    Mine smells sort of medicinal, my first thought was eucalyptus or tea tree but it doesn't smell quite like those either if I compare it to my bottles of eo.