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  1. N

    Cedarwood Atlas versus Cedarwood

    Just "cedarwood" dosn't really say anything. There are different kinds of cedarwood, atlas, Virginia, Himalayan and so on, all with their distinctive smell. if the place you ordered it from doesn't say anything about what kind it is I wouldn't order from them to begin with, God knows what you...
  2. N

    banana purée in soapmaking

    I don't know what kind of sandal wood powder you have, but the one I have and the one most others have is the red one that will bring color and some exfoliating/scratchiness but no fragrance whatsoever. I also doubt there would be any health benefits of using banana in the soap. Whatever way...
  3. N

    First soap picture and buying fragrances

    Not a uk soaper, but a European ~ For essential oils I recommend these, they are the cheapest I found that is also members of ATC witch assures that the EOs are if a decent quality and unadulterated. I have bought some of freshskin's FO's but I haven't used them much yet...
  4. N

    Calculator with multiple oils

    I spend some time reading about properties of different oils in soap but it didn't really stick, ended up formulating according to what other people recommended, what the soap calculator told me when I was playing around there and what I've learned from my test soaps. So if you don't think you...
  5. N

    Which of the two is better

    I would lower the citric acid to 1%, more than that and you might get crystallization on the outside of the soap.
  6. N

    Citric Acid

    How many % citric acid are you using?
  7. N

    Confused about Oleic fats in soap

    I'm sort of leaning towards that you don't really need to care about how much oleic acid you have in a recipe. Most of the times when people talked about high amounts of oleic acid as a bad thing is in the context of Castile soaps, or other soaps with high amount of olive oil. Castile soaps will...
  8. N

    I DID it! I made soap! (I hope.)

    Congratulations, love the textured top!
  9. N

    Is this bay laurel berry oil?

    Thanks for the link, though I think shipping to Europe would be way to expensive for me. What soapmaking101 uses looks more like what I used, if I would warm it to make it completely fluent. Mine doesn't smell very strong at all, least of all like camp fire. Hm...:neutral:
  10. N

    First Goat's Milk Soap

    Yeah, no peacocks, but still pretty:mrgreen:
  11. N

    Is this bay laurel berry oil?

    Also, some updating for whoever is interested: My recipe was: Castor 5% Laurel berry 20% Olive 75% 95/5 NaOH/KOH 1:2 lye:water ratio I poured the batter into single cavity moulds, wrapped in a heating pad to gel it but then forgot about it, so I think it overheated a bit. Every couple of days...
  12. N

    Is this bay laurel berry oil?

    Ugh, tell me about it, I got the batter to light trace, turned around to grab my chelating agent, when I turned back the batter had become pudding!
  13. N

    Blue mantra

    I love ylang-ylang, have to try that eo combination!
  14. N

    Honey in Hot Process

    I use honey in soap quite often and I've never had any problem. What I and a lot of others here do is reserve a small amount of water from the recipe, warm and dissolve my honey in that and add to my cooled lye solution. Let that cool somewhat again and then you are good to go. To speed things...
  15. N

    Favorite Soaping Patterns

    No, I no that. It's just that my iPad insists on opening YouTube in the YouTube app no matter what and I don't know how to copy links from the app or if it is at all possible. But I had someone help me with that, so now it's all good. Thank you anyway! Here are a couple of people making the...
  16. N

    Favorite Soaping Patterns

    Oh, thank you! And yes, all three of them are cosmic waves! At least if I haven't misunderstood the whole thing, the basics of cosmic wave is that you have your jug with base colour, add your complementary colours and pour. You will have different patterns depending on how you pour but all is...
  17. N

    Favorite Soaping Patterns

    Love this one!
  18. N

    Favorite Soaping Patterns

    Apparently I can't figure out how to attach more then one picture per post~
  19. N

    Favorite Soaping Patterns
