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  1. N

    FOs and colorants for body butters?

    For what it’s worth, last time I made lotion I tried adding a pinch of red clay and it worked fine for a light orange hue.
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    Which base to choose? Total beginner!

    I haven't used M&P but I suspect you won't actually notice much difference between the different kinds of soap base, goats milk/Shea is more about label appeal. So choose what appeals to you. If you think a transparent soap would look awesome choose the clear base, if goats milk soap sounds...
  3. N

    Anhydrous ingredients to enhance lip balm active absorption?

    They always talk about isopropyl myristate in lotions but I don't know if that would work in this case.
  4. N

    how to get odorless tallow for skincare?

    You don't have to worry about excessive salt/baking soda in your tallow. When you have done your simmerings with salt and baking soda and the rendering water is free of beef taste, you do a last rendering/simmering without salt and baking soda and that should be enough.
  5. N

    Craft weekend - whatchya doing?

    I have a bunch of mosaic projects planned and should really get the last stuff ordered so I can cross that off the list. But it's so hard to get properly inspiered and when that finally happens you can't decide on a design, lol.
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    What to do with a batch that you fragranced poorly?

    How old is the soap? The cocoa butter scent usually fades to close to nothing after cure.
  7. N

    Liquid Soap Questions

    Yes, of course. Susie and Zany, I was planning on trying Irish Lass' high olive oil liquid soap recipe and that was the ratios she used, I should have mentioned that too. Saranac that's great to hear, I will add rapeseed to my liquid soap recipes without worry then.
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    oils sitting in stainless steel pot

    I want to say it should be fine since stainless steel doesn't seem to react to anything , but I really have no experience with this.
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    Liquid Soap Questions

    I wanted to sort of deepen my understanding of how to formulate liquid soap and I have a couple of questions that I couldn't find the answers to in the forum, although I might just not have looked close enough. Anyway my first question is why so much castor oil? I'm fully aware of how and...
  10. N

    slow trace recipe recommendation

    It's not so much the recipe as the technique, how warm your working space is, additives and so on. Coconut oil and butters are considered fast tracers but a fair number of people have good experience with those, they seems to need to be soaped a little warmer from what I can tell. I think a good...
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    Liquid tooth soap with peanut oil

    Now when you mention it obsidian, liquid soap does smell sort of off, I hoped the flavour would cover that up but maybe not. It wouldn't really be that bothersome to just rebatch bar soap and add flavour as I go either. While the subject is up, I've been using a bar of 20/80 coconut...
  12. N

    Reliable sources of essential oil info

    I have a question, and I might be totally off, but what I understand Young is the one that created Young Living and Tisserand created doTerra and anything that comes from those companies or their followers are not particularly trustworthy. So what about their book?
  13. N

    Clean and sterilize bird feathers

    A couple of years ago I bought quite a lot of bird feathers from China on eBay, which I realised afterwards wasn't the best of ideas but having already bought them I figured I might as well use them. They have been sitting in a plastic shopping bag in a corner with their packages in various...
  14. N

    lavender Eucalyptus Soap?

    The only time I've seen lavender and eucalyptus together was together with other stuff in an sea mix on Pinterest lol. If I remember correctly the lavender gave a sort of sea weedy note to the mix.
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    Orange Sherbet

    Interesting, what's the thing with the orange wax?
  16. N

    Troubleshooting help -- 100% tallow soap with heavy foam layer

    I don't want to sound to sure of myself since my experience is more on the limited side, but I'm questioning if it really is the water that's the problem, my single bar batches that got foam on top was made with 33% lye solution. I also don't really have any argument for why it should work, but...
  17. N

    Decanting dry lye

    I don't have dryer sheets, I'm not even sure they are sold here, would something else work instead? That does make sense, I'll see if I can do it in the barn then! Now THAT sounds scary, and here I am all worked up over my tiny bag lol. I do have those disposable face masks, not the...
  18. N

    Troubleshooting help -- 100% tallow soap with heavy foam layer

    I have got that foamy stuff on a couple of my single bar batches too but I thought it was just that a lot of stuff starts to foam when there is a lot of movement, like sea foam, and if I just waited to pour until the foam had settled or just mixed it in into the batter there wouldn't be any...
  19. N

    Liquid tooth soap with peanut oil

    After reading through the big tooth soap thread I figured I wanted to make and use liquid soap paste rather than bar soap because that would make it easier to portion it out in jars and add scent/taste as I go since others experience have been that taste/scent will fade in the bars. I think...
  20. N

    Decanting dry lye

    I bought a 5kg package with lye the other week not knowing what kind of container(s) I would receive it in. Today it arrived in one big bag, so I figured I have to decant it. I think I have enough old lye bottles laying around for the whole bag and I thought I was going to do it with a funnel...