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  1. L

    about lye ?

    just wanted to say hi! as i am new to this site and soap making aswell. i haven't made a batch reading and learning as much as i can. and exploring molds, and recipes etc. i am going away on holidays soon so am saving my money up for that but once i am back i am planning on getting...
  2. L

    about lye ?

    great explanation ~*~*ian*~*~!! i found it realy helpful too as i am so new to this aswell...:)
  3. L

    Juice Extractor

    wow!! thank you both so much!!! for the info~~~ and i didnt' know about the wheatgrass, i will look out for some and get it going in a pot!! i went shopping today and was able to get some great bargains on some organics. i am going tomorrow to get some things i the lemons...
  4. L

    Juice Extractor

    have just been given a brand new spanking Big Mouth juice extractor for my birthday. would love to hear of any fave recipes any of you have. so far i have been making carrot celery and apple mix yummo~ however..i would love to add beets to it. do i need to cook up the beet...
  5. L

    HSMG National Soapmaking Conference in VT report

    wow there is soap making conferences!! wonders never cease huh!!! thanks for sharing!!!~
  6. L

    Getting POed

    well they still look great! i love that natural earthy look. maybe a mixture of them and some by the river...:)
  7. L

    Getting POed

    ok had another look..LOL just maybe the pics could be a bit brighter, i can see you want the natural look with the logs and wood etc.... that is the only thing i can notice....but still it looks fine the way it is..:)
  8. L

    Getting POed

    well i just had a quick look at your is FINE@@@ they are jealous!! dont 'listen to cant' please everyone!!! :)
  9. L

    buying lye in Canada?!?!??

    ok i deleted this post of mine cos it was stupid..LOL
  10. L

    my first batch [with pics]

    wow they look great!!! i dont' know if i will be posting pics of my first batch here...hahhaa...might be too embarrasing.. :wink: but you did a great job!!
  11. L

    Jewelry making

    i haven't done any for the longest time!!... love that piece *hiipietoad*'s beautiful...i love all things earthy and gifts from the sea...have a tale to go with them aswell..:)
  12. L

    Two new soaps

    wonderful!!! i realy like the look of them!!
  13. L


    hi i am new too! and i am loving reading about it and thinking about it and day dreaming about it too..LOL
  14. L

    Hi people

    hi Pam~ welcome!!..i will have to pop over to the candle making forum..i have thought about making the past..but thought uh oh prolly to hard for me..hehee :lol:
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    in my old vaccum cleaner i would put a few drops of E/Oils onto the bag, it would put a nice smell through the house too, as i went through it. ( now i have a bagless vac :shock: )
  16. L

    Great soap...but minor problem....

    wow you may be having seperation problems...but you are obviously very creative with soap making. ( sorry i have no answers for you)
  17. L

    Batch number 4!! (with my 1lb TOG mini mold!! :D)

    ok having absolutely no idea how these things are done....when do you add your swirly bits of soap to the bigger batch..and is it added to the top poured onto the other bigger bit of soap....??
  18. L


    great idea!!!
  19. L

    Batch number 4!! (with my 1lb TOG mini mold!! :D)

    wow thanks for that...and now you go rest..LOL....`namaste'
  20. L

    Batch number 4!! (with my 1lb TOG mini mold!! :D)

    hey Ian~ dont' wear yourself out...have to take care of yourself...:) how does one swirl anyways,?? what do you use...i was thinking a chop stick..? hehee as you can see i have no clue... :P