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  1. Consuela

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Please show us when you cut it!!! That is a lovely green~!
  2. Consuela

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Thank you DeeAnna :) I'm glad I was able to accurately capture and portray the innerworkings of a household that has a soap maker... and I'm glad that it doesn't just reflect my own life. Because I would be sad if I was the only one with a chocolate and a soaping addiction ;)
  3. Consuela

    Orange Wax - Anyone used it?

    So... found this Orange Wax on from NDA... Has anyone used it - or have any words of wisdom to impart? Some comments on the page say it was used as a wood wax, and in candlemaking and CP... so just thought I'd ask...
  4. Consuela

    The word association game

  5. Consuela

    Why does the alkanet not yield purple?

    I have ZERO luck with Indigo Root Powder... so I stopped trying... But Alkanet has always been good to me. I sometimes get a deep purple, or light blue look - which I really do like. It is a little speckly - even if I SB it into a small portion of the batter first...
  6. Consuela

    Gift Packaging Soap for Christmas Retail Sales

    Sadly yes... I do :( I believe it's because the paper allows the soap to "breathe".... And the cello traps all of that in.... Also agree in letting people choose their own scents, and you can do one of two things: Offer a service where you ribbon wrap them... Or... have pretty gift...
  7. Consuela

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    #lifeofasoapmaker THIS is a real problem that most soap maker’s spouse’s face. It's a constant struggle of: "Honey, where's the olive oil?" He asks, while ripping apart every cupboard in the kitchen. He was planning on making chicken soup for dinner. *Innocent Look* "I think we're out...
  8. Consuela

    Rose clay bath bomb

    Perhaps just a teenier amount?
  9. Consuela

    Help me getting this fragrance oil

    Agreed about New Directions - however, that is their old packaging. They have since changed their label... Or at least the .ca has :)
  10. Consuela

    Rose clay bath bomb

    Awhhhh :( I just made a pouty face....for real.
  11. Consuela

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    I have done this before and I would absolutely do it again :) @Shunt - withdrawl is the worst....... are you at least getting your daily caffeine/wine/liquor intake? Would hate to be compounding that w/d.
  12. Consuela

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    I never thought of that! I have a few bars of soap in my drawers (this lavender soap from like ten years joke...those bars have been in there for TEN years). But I am absolutely going to switch them out for empty bottles!!! (Of oils...not vodka.)
  13. Consuela

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Okay okay, I didn't do this today, but I did it last night. Chopped up some Avocado Soap - (for some reason I couldn't bring myself to try pureed avocado and now I kind of kick myself in the ass for it). Should have just tried it... Dishes. & Cleaned. & Organized. & Scrubbed. & Tidied... the...
  14. Consuela

    Gift Packaging Soap for Christmas Retail Sales

    First off: You and I have similar packaging :) I also like to wrap my bars in brown paper, and then the label over, printed on white paper! So obviously I like it and I think it looks great! Classay! I really really like that you incorporated a nice wooden soap dish - and I like that you...
  15. Consuela

    Pumpkin Soap - Help

    If you used more - like say, half of the water amount - do you risk something nasty happening?
  16. Consuela

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    WOOOOO nice score!! Isn't it like a gift from the Gods when something like that happens?
  17. Consuela

    Slab molds....which one?

    I lusted and oogled wooden loaf molds for a Looooong time. The soap is so perfect and beautiful and crisp edges (which I like - though a little out of my price range)..... Anyway, last summer I asked the boyfriend to make me some wooden molds because I was "over the silicone" which don't get me...
  18. Consuela

    The word association game

  19. Consuela

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Well, I cut up my Carrot Soap - it's a lovely colour - though not as orange as it was when I poured it. That's okay because I expected it. And I can still smell the carrotseed EO which (was such a minute amount!) I wasn't expecting. Now I'm drinking a terrible coffee - which pretty much is the...
  20. Consuela

    Chocolate Chip Cookies

    Absolutely! The chocolate to dough ration must be correct!