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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. C

    cracked bath bombs

    [c olor=darkred][/color] I tried to fast dry(100 degree) oven but they all cracked!!! Can I salvage them by crushing and adding more oil/water. PLEASE HELP!!! :oops: :oops: :oops:
  2. C

    bertolli xtra light tasting oilve oil

    Has anybody tried Bertolli Extra Light tasting olive oil in CP soap recipes???It says it 100 percent oilve oil. Wonder if has a different SAP as regular oilve oil. It doesn't have the strong smell that regular olive oil has. Thanks fellow soapers :roll: :roll: :wink:
  3. C

    melt and pour swirled soap

    Want to try and swirl some melt and pour soap for gifts. I know you color a part of it but how do you get it in the mold to swirl. Mine just mixes together and I want a more "swirly" look. Thanks in advance!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  4. C

    Rebatching/Handmilled soap

    Made up a big ole batch of unscented cp soap to rebatch. I am a little confused as to how much liquid you add to the grated soap. I have found recipes that use up to a cup of liquid and oil per pound of grated soap. Another site says just a few tablespoons! Can anybody give me their experiences...
  5. C

    CP soap colorants

    I am already planning on my Christmas candy cane soap. I want to swirl red through the white. Any hints on what are the best dyes/pigments to use and where can I buy them. Thanks!! :?: :?: :?:
  6. C

    Making infused oils for CP soap making

    infused oils for cp soap making Thanks for your help. What kind of oils have you used this method with? I can't wait to try it :lol: :lol:
  7. C

    Making infused oils for CP soap making

    Has anybody ever made their own infused oils for CP soap? I have tons of peppermint,rosemary,lemon balm and calendula that I would like to use in my soap making oils. What would be the best oil to use? I was thinking of Cocunut oil as it doesn't have a scent. Any help would be appreciated...