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  1. C

    Question for Paul ????????????

    I am making a salt bar recipe as I'm writing this. I have a question about Fo's in salt bars. In previous batches I have used 1 oz/lb and the scent has all but disappeared. Should I be using about 1 1/2 oz/lb??????? TIA Chris :? :? :? :?
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    GM Yogurt in Crockpot HP

    ANYONE???????????????? chl
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    GM Yogurt in Crockpot HP

    Can this be done?? Any hints if it is possible!! i waqnt to add half yogurt and half aloe juice. TIA chl
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    Has anybody used this??

    I would like to know if anyone has used GEOGARD ULTRA as a preservative in Lotion recipes? If yes, was it a success?? I have a # of the stuff that was given to me and I don't know how to use it. Would someone be so kind as to tell me what percentage and how to incorporate it. A BIG TIA Chris
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    Pine Tar Question???

    I want to make a pine tar soap. Can I use my regular recipe? If so, what oil do I sub. Part of the Olive, Palm or what. I was thinking about 20%. Is that too high. Relative newbie (8 batches only) TIA Chris
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    Anyone used Save On Scents (SOS) ? Need advice quickly!

    I've ordered saveonscents Amazing Grace. I love it. Customers really love this one. So crisp and clean (not perfumey). Chris
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    Fo & Eo blending list

    Thanks bunches. That is exactly what I was looking for! Chris
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    Fo & Eo blending list

    I'm looking for a site that I have used before but stupidly did not bookmark it. You click on 2 fragrances and it gives you suggestions. Can anybody help me?? TIA Chris
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    African Black Soap

    How do you rebatch ABS??? I have tried a small batch and haven't been able to melt it! It turns out way too thick and when I glopped it in the mold it just sat there. Tried banging it on the counter and it wouldn"t budge. Digit, could you tell me how you do yours??? I use a salad shooter to...
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    I was wondering if anyone has used this in their CP? From the single oil reviews it says it makes a very hard bar. I don't want to use 100% peanut oil but I would like to try it If you have soaped with it -at what % did you use, Any help will be appreciated. TIA Chris
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    MP & charcoal powder

    Has anyone tried adding charcoal powder to MP suspension?? The reason I ask is that I recently saw Black MP and wonder if they use Charcoal powder or a black oxide??? Would make great Halloween soap!!! TIA :?: :?: :?: chl
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    Confused about hardening and storing

    I let MP bars sit in front of a dehumidifier for a couple of days. This dries them out a bit. Then I wrap them securely in Ssam's Club wrap and let them sit for a month or so. They get as hard as any Cp soap and last a long, long time. Chl
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    Looking for some good holiday scents

    Sweet Fresh Pumpkin from Scent Works is to die for. Love, love, love it
  14. C

    fresh coffee grounds in soap

    I always dry out used coffee grounds and have no trouble with dripping brown soap. Chris
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    Has anyone made pumpkin pie soap?

    There's a great recipe on for pumpkin soap. I have used it many times. Hope you like it!! Chris
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    What would you mix with............

    Violet Fo. I'm a relative newbie and I'm stumped!!! Would rose fo work??? TIA Chris
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    Some of my finished soaps

    Brian, What size was the stamp you ordered?? I am still trying to decide what size to get. Did you get 1/4 inch or 3/8's? TIA Chris
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    SFIC soap base Co-op?

    Can somebody tell me what SFIC stands for??? I'm a newbie. Is there an updated list? Are you still short?? TIA Chris
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    Has anyone ordered this charcoal before?

    It looks like the right stuff to me. At a very good price, as well. I just ordered 2. Chris
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    sugar or salt scrubs

    I use light brown sugar in my scrubs. YUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMYYY.