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  1. G

    Help with recipe

    I'd like to use the following ingredients in my next soap but am not sure how much of each ingredient I should use. Any suggestions? Coconut oil Palm oil Olive oil Caster oil Almond oil Cocoa butter Shea Butter Also, is saponified coconut oil any different than the 76 degree coconut oil?
  2. G

    Testing PH

    Other than using the "tongue" method I'd like to hear how you test the PH of your finished soap. I have paper test strips but have read somewhere that they are not very reliable.
  3. G

    Tiny holes

    When I cut my soap into bars I noticed tiny holes. No discoloration. I tapped mold down after pouring. Did I perhaps not pour soon enough and batter was too thick to properly tap all of the air pockets out?
  4. G

    Making your own dupe?

    Fragrance Buddy Do the fragrances from this company hold up in CPOP soap?
  5. G

    Help sizing bars

    I am having trouble deciding what size/weight to make my bars. Anyone have any suggestions
  6. G

    Meat Slicer to Smooth Soap?

    Has anyone ever used a meat slicer to smooth the top of their bars of soap?
  7. G

    Borax in CP soap?

    Has anyone ever used borax in their CP soap recipe?
  8. G

    Deordorizing Body Wash Recipe?

    Skin is very oily and tends to not smell fresh by mid day.
  9. G

    Deordorizing Body Wash Recipe?

    does anyone have a recipe for body wash that would be deordorizing?
  10. G

    Usage rate of EO vs. FO

    I typiclly use FO in my CP soaps but I've been wanting to use blends of EO instead. How do I know how much EO to use?
  11. G

    Infusing oils vs. Steeping Herbs in Water

    I've got several recipes I want to try and the instructions say to infuse the olive oil with the herbs but I was wondering if I would get the same affect if I separated a portion of the water and steeped the herbs in that and when it cooled added it at light trace. I thought perhaps it might be...
  12. G

    Hemp Seed vs Hemp Oil

    Can anyone tell me if Hemp seed oil and Hemp oil are the same. Soapcalc only lists Hemp oil.
  13. G

    bitter creek north recommendations

    I do not see Oakmoss FO or sweetgrass FO on BC website
  14. G

    Anyone use FO from Bittercreek?

    I was wondering if anyone has used FO from Bittercreek? Did you like them? Did the scents stick? Are they safe for CP and what % PPO.
  15. G

    What SF number to use?

    So true about the fact that there will be exceptions to every rule. I've noticed some recipes call for a higher % of water. I know more water gives you more workability for swirling - is there any other reason? Thank so much for all your help.
  16. G

    what happened

    it is smooth on all sides besides the top so you are probably right - SA Guess I will just trim it off.
  17. G

    What SF number to use?

    I've read lots of forums on this board about SF. I understand the higher the SF the less chance there is of un-desolved lye, however my confusion is do some oils in a recipe make it desirable to have a higher SF number. The recipe I am working on now (CP) has avocado oil, palm oil and mango...
  18. G

    what happened

    has been cut for 3 days now and has not turned.
  19. G

    what happened

    oakmoss and chromium green both from
  20. G

    what happened

    Looking closely at the attached picture you can see the top of bar is completely a different color and looking at the side you can see a thin layer of the lighter color. Is that extra oils that didn't saponify? CPOP method, SF 4.75 and used sunflower oil, palm kernal oil, palm oil, mango seed...