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  1. G

    Paris Fragrances USA

    Has anyone used this company before?
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    Wooden mold for HP method

    I will be lining mold with freezer paper
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    Wooden mold for HP method

    I will be lining mold with freezer paper
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    Wooden mold for HP method

    When making fluid HP I understand mold are suppose to be kept warm until pouring the batch, but I will be using a wooden mold. Would I need to put that in the oven also?
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    Liquid HP methods

    I've been away from soapmaking for a while so I know this topic may be quite old so forgive me. I've seen videos for fluid HP methods, one method is typical procedure adding yogurt or milk at the end. The other method is letting the batch volcano up and stir down (doing this several times)...
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    Rebatching with beeswax

    Is it possible to rebatch soap without adding liquid?
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    Rebatching with beeswax

    I added to much water to my rebatch and so the soap it waaaaay to soft. I'm hoping to remelt it and add beeswax to harden it up. If anyone has done this before I'd love to heard how your batch turned out and how much beeswax you added.
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    Coconut Milk or Goat Milk?

    Both of these milk are awesome but do they both furnish the same benefits/results in CP soap?
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    Kaolin vs. Brazilan Clays

    Both of these are beautiful products. I know Kaolin will give me a whiter bar. Will both of these clays result in the same wonderful feel in the finished product? Using in CP recipe
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    Help with Tussash Silk in Coconut Milk

    My recipe calls for the use of coconut milk (no water) I pull small strands out like cob webs and stir well while incorporating all of the lye. I am pretty sure I am not adding too much silk - while stirring it appears to be dissolved but when I go to add the lye mixture to my oils I seem to...
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    Mowrah Butter

    Anyone know where I can get Mowrah Butter reasonably priced (only interested in 1 lb right now)? Would also like to hear from those who have used this butter in CP soap and how they liked it.
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    Fragrance oil in Melt & Pour

    I was think about using some of my fragrance oils in a batch of M&P and see if they behave better than they do in CP recipes. I have several that setup really fast or riced on me and I thought perhaps when I melt the M&P for pouring and add the FO then if it could behave better. Anyone have...
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    Troubleshooting white spots

    Added titanium dioxide to a batch but below is what it looked like when I shaved top of bar. The titanium dioxide I use is oil solueable so I add it to my warm oils prior to adding lye. Any ideas as to what happened and how I can eliminate this.
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    Oven processing partial gelled soap

    I have a recipe that did not fully gel (faint round circle in the middle). I had thought about putting it in a warm oven, turning it off when I put the soap in. I'd like everyones thoughts about this. The soap has sit wrapped in a towel for 24 hours.
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    Labeling Sodium Lactate

    I am using sodium lactate in my recipe. How should I include this ingredient on the label where customers won't be concerned about it's use.
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    Goat Bar - What went wrong

    This a goat milk bar I made. Didn't put in freezer but covered slightly. Can anyone tell me why there is a circle in the middle?
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    Customer explanation for Titanium Dioxide

    Listed titanium dioxide on my label. I was stumped when asked just exactly what titanium dioxide was. I know it's a pigment, but can anyone else add to the description?
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    EO vs FO usage rates

    does everyone use the same % of EO as they would FO in a recipe?
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    My DOS Challenge Experiments

    DeeAnna - are you referring to sodium citrate? How do you list this ingredient on your soap label? My recipe (with hemp at 6%) reflects Linoleic 11 and Linolenic 2. Would it be safe to say that using .01% ppo would help keep DOS away? At what phase would I add the citrate? Sorry for all the...
  20. G

    Kanuka essential oil anyone?

    Has anyone ever used Kanuka essential oil in CP soap? If yes, could you share where to get it reasonably priced and what was your usage rate?)