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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. S

    SMF March Challenge- Whipped Soap

    Ok, I'm new here, and new to whipped soap, and I know I'm not eligible to be in the contest yet, but I have a question. Does the entire bar float in the pictures you posted?
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    Rose scents and other flowers

    Thank you all for the responses. I think I'm going to try the Camden Grey Rose Petals. Oddly the people that want this scent are all grandmothers.
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    Hello from Germany

    Hello, I'm new here as well. I'm in South East Iowa. Where in Germany are you?
  4. S

    Rose scents and other flowers

    What does WSP translate to? And I'm fairly new to soap, haven't tried layers yet.
  5. S

    Zum bar Sea Salt

    Well, I did answer something directly in question from the old post. Do you always contradict yourself, as you have in each of your responses?
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    Rose scents and other flowers

    So I searched for the keyword rose, and didn't find anything recent, so.... Does anyone know of a Rose Fragrance Oil that "does not" cause acceleration in the extreme? I've used Brambleberry's English Rose, and Natures Garden's Fresh Cut Roses, and both seem to accelerate at warp speed...
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    Zum bar Sea Salt

    Not in doubt: "SMF does not have an official rule that outright bans necroposting", clearly says "does not". Typically more modern forums, if they don't want it, either use software to monitor the passage of time on a thread, then disable or lock it, or a Moderator reviews old threads, and...
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    Zum bar Sea Salt

    Yes, it would appear the forum tolerates my adding of information. "SMF does not have an official rule that outright bans necroposting (we tolerate it up to a certain point)" and later: "-Guideline in regards to statement '7c' from above (necroposting to add a new bit of helpful wisdom): This...
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    Zum bar Sea Salt

    Yeah, my guess is they use a cheaper fragrance oil, and only dashes of essential oil.
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    Zum bar Sea Salt

    Perhaps people saw that there was no answer, and didn't bother, like me. When I found the answer, I joined and posted.
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    Hello from Iowa

    Washingtion Iowa.
  12. S

    Zum bar Sea Salt

    Why can't we post on an old thread? The info I gave may help others in their quest for this knowledge.
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    Hello from Iowa

    I'm in South East Iowa.
  14. S

    Hello from Iowa

    Been making soap for almost a year now. Hoping to learn a lot from the forum.
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    Zum bar Sea Salt

    Neroli - My girlfriend recently bought a Zum Sea Salt bar, I smelled it, and asked what it was, she said Neroli, got out a bottle of Neroli essential oil, and it is an exact match. Neroli is citris.