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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. S

    Veggie Lavender Essential Oil Soap

    I don't have the correct molds or supplies either. I kind of cheat and pour anyway and spin lol. Makes it interesting. However, my last one wasn't a whispy swirl like yours. Try, try again. :)
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    My Valentine's day soap

    Absolutely Stunning Swirls!:wave:
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    Veggie Lavender Essential Oil Soap

    This is beautiful soap. I love your take at the spin swirl, as I like them more whispy. My favorite is the hanger. But really love them all. I make only vegan soaps :)
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    Where to find one of a kind packaging?

    Nashville Wraps and Papermart has nice packaging.
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    I hope this is the right section to post

    but I wanted to say that I'm back for awhile from a long time of being away from some forums. I'm just super quiet in person and on forums. I hope it's okay
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    SMF February Challenge - Spin Swirl

    Makes me wish I had a slab mold. I've done a layered version in my regular mold. One solid layer and I did a black and white spin then layered another was cool looking.
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    Help needed with Salt Bars

    They are absolutely lovely!!
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    Salt soap

    I would love to try a salt bar, but I also do HP as well as CP. Can you HP in the oven, in my pot, this salt bar recipe? I don't have an oven safe mold. Also can you add some a clay or oxide? Thank you!
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    my rebatch looks so gross..

    I Love the rebatch! Confetti....and looks really great!!
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    Lavender Fields Flop

    I think it looks very cool. Swirl on the top and color block in center...Very nice!! :D
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    New Here.

    Thank you both! I'm enjoying the reading. :D
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    New Here.

    :D I just wanted to quickly introduce myself. I have made candles and m&p soaps for 10 years. Now just getting into cp and hp. I will have lots of questions and will be glad to help others whenever I can!! :D