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  1. janzo

    Bastille Snot!!

    Obsidian, no because I made 2 other batches and they were fine. Definitely used lye Hmlove. Yeah I did wonder if the SF was too high. Would you recommend the standard 5%. I have been soaping for a year and some days I feel like I am starting from scratch!!!
  2. janzo

    Bastille Snot!!

    I made a Bastille type of soap yesterday that went all gloopy and snotty before I could even get it in to the mould. Below is my recipe, grateful if someone could let me know why Olive Oil 375g Coconut Oil 85g Castor Oil. 40g Water 105g Yoghurt. 85g Lye 65g Green clay mixed with a tiny...
  3. janzo

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    I made a Bastille soap and while mixing it went gloopy and snotty, bizarre never had that happen before. When I took the SB out of the batter there was long snotty tendrils. Got it into the moulds, will see how it does over time!!
  4. janzo

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Welcome back Consuela and congratulations on the birth of your baby. I was wondering where you had got to as you were a regular on the forum. Enjoy your soaping etc while you have the time, as you say it won't last long!!
  5. janzo

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Made some whipped soap (followed Nizzys tutorial) or should I say tried to!! Would not whip up to a meringue like consistency, maybe my palm was to liquified or warm. Anyway carried on, fragranced it with papaya and put it into a mould. Have taken it out of the mould and tested it.....and it...
  6. janzo

    A Cream Soap Tutorial

    Thank you Lindy, I made my first batch of cream soap yesterday and it turned out great. Your tutorial was invaluable, it's always good to check that you are on the right track. It is now in a sealed container put away for a few months. Now to give liquid soap a try!!
  7. janzo

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Made my very first batch of cream soap today thanks to the excellent tutorial Lindy did for everyone on the forum. It was great to have the pictures too so you can compare and check if you are on the right track. I really enjoyed it and was very happy to see it whip nicely this morning and...
  8. janzo

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Hi Sonya, have you used your new moulds you got from China, just wanted an update on whether you were happy with them before I order. Thanks
  9. janzo

    Not sure about HP yet...

    Thank you LBussy, that makes perfect sense. Will give it a go tomorrow, fingers crossed !
  10. janzo

    Not sure about HP yet...

    If I want to use Cocoa Butter as a super fat in HP soap do I add it with the other oils etc on the soap calc to work out the lye and water and set the SF to 0%, or do I just put in the oils that go into the cook In the soap calc and omit the cocoa butter. First time to do this so I want to make...
  11. janzo

    Pretty great day!

    That is great news. As they say 'everything happens for a reason'. Congratulations
  12. janzo

    Some nice stamps here....

    Thank you. Will take a look
  13. janzo

    Some nice stamps here....

    Hi Saponista, are you willing to share which shop you bought stamps from. I was also thinking of ordering some stamps from overseas, but it just gets complicated with customs and time etc. I am also heading back home to Zambia next week so need them soon. Thank you
  14. janzo

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Thank you Sonya, those are perfect, just what I am looking for. Off to ebay I go.......
  15. janzo

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Sonia, are you willing to reveal where you got them for that price???
  16. janzo

    It is with great sadness. . . .

    I completely understand why you are moving. I went to school there and we used to do all out shopping there it was an amazing country. Good luck, Zimbabweans have a good reputation in UK for being hard workers as I am sure you know, so you will be fine, apart from the lack of sunshine!!
  17. janzo

    It is with great sadness. . . .

    Good luck with your big move. I am next door in Zambia, about 5 years ago I did the same big move, quite a big transition. Eventually came back home to Zambia though, been here since I was a young kid. Wish you a smooth and successful move. Hope you get back to soaping once you are settled.
  18. janzo

    Silk water

    Can anyone in UK tell me where I can find silk for using in soap. I am currently on holiday here and want to take some back with me. Thanks
  19. janzo

    The Little Efficacious Gentleman

    Congratulations, it's wonderful news
  20. janzo

    Post you ugly soap pics here - Troubleshooting thread

    Be careful about cutting them in half, I did this to my loofahs and they were very sharp to use.