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  1. andreabadgley

    Boxed, Labeled & Ready to Sell

    I LOVE the boxes. I still do cigar labels, and though I like the way they look and the versatility they offer, they have A LOT of drawbacks (soap shrinking and the labels becoming loose, soap getting dented/scratched/chipped, soap pieces sticking to labels and making them look messy, etc.)...
  2. andreabadgley

    Advertising ???

    I do a lot of different things for marketing. I started on MySpace, where I blog, run promotions, post updates on new soaps, etc. Through MySpace I've met folks who were willing to put ad banners up for me on their sites for free or were willing to swap with me (I put their link on my website...
  3. andreabadgley

    how do you test a new CP formula?

    Thanks everybody! I seem to always have 1 pt (16 oz/ ~500 ml) half and half containers, so maybe I'll try one of those. How do you use them? Do you cut the top off and just pour the batter in? Do I need to line the carton, or spray it with oil or anything? And how do you cover and...
  4. andreabadgley

    what's your favorite lathering accessory?

    Oh yes, if you're a knitter you can totally make one yourself. I use 100% cotton yarn. You can make them however you like - with a border, without a border, with a pattern, without a pattern... Here are a couple pics (I did not knit these, btw - I've knit a few for my family, but these were...
  5. andreabadgley

    what's your favorite lathering accessory?

    I've tried natural sponges, terrycloth washcloths, hand-knit cotton washcloths, and just a naked bar. I think the hand-knit washcloths are probably my favorite. The natural sponge absorbed WAY too much of the soap and it seemed like a bar of soap might only last a week if I kept using the...
  6. andreabadgley

    how do you test a new CP formula?

    Hi everyone! I'm embarrassed to say, but I don't usually make a small test batch when I try a new formula. I do my full 4.5 lbs and just hope for the best. I've got a million new ideas I want to try, though, and I can't afford to make such large batches to test them all. I have made a...
  7. andreabadgley

    Hi everyone!

    Welcome to the wonderful world of soaping! You're going to have so much fun :-) And I agree that you don't need to worry about selling or all of the technical stuff yet. Just enjoy making and using (and sharing) your soaps. That's the best part anyway!
  8. andreabadgley

    Happy Birthday STARDUSTER!!!

    Happy Birthday Starduster! I was just telling my husband this morning how awesome Aquarians are :-) I hope you had a wonderful birthday!
  9. andreabadgley

    FDA labeling

    Thank you Tabitha and Deda for those links - I've been wondering about this myself.
  10. andreabadgley

    Today's venture: Updates with cut pics

    WOW! That's gorgeous, Beachgurl! Thank you so much for the excellent explanation of how you do your swirls - I've always just messed around, not really knowing the best way to approach them. This is so helpful!
  11. andreabadgley

    For Valentine's Day -

    Wow! Those are beautiful! Great job! You've definitely got a knack for packaging and presentation. Do you do all your own printing, or do you outsource it? I'm so impressed with both your products and your labeling.
  12. andreabadgley

    soaping fiction?

    Oh, I'm so excited! Thanks y'all!
  13. andreabadgley

    soaping fiction?

    That's actually good to know - there's something out there! Thanks Jody, I'll look that up.
  14. andreabadgley

    soaping fiction?

    Hey y'all, I have a random question for you. Has anyone here found any good fiction, especially novels, that have soapers or soaping in them? When I quilted, I loved reading the Elm Creek Quilters novels by Jennifer Chiaverini. I recently picked up knitting as well, and really enjoyed "The...
  15. andreabadgley

    it worked! HP milk & honey, with volcano...

    Hi squeakyclean! I don't know if there's one in Naples, but I do know there's a Fresh Market in Naples. Try there or at a health food store. I know there are a couple of good health food stores there, but it's been a while since I lived in Naples and I can't remember where they are or what...
  16. andreabadgley

    Hola All!

    Welcome! Wow, I was never ambitious enough to make stuff like lotion when I lived in the dorm. Spaghetti occasionally, but nothing that wasn't absolutely necessary for survival. Way to go!
  17. andreabadgley

    anyone ever order from new directions aromatics?

    I love New Directions Aromatics. I buy the majority of my stuff from them, now. Their oils and EOs are really high quality, and I've never had a bad experience with them. I highly recommend them.
  18. andreabadgley

    Grapefruit Seed Extract amount

    Wow, thank you for this information Beachgurl. I see that you took this info from Wikipediia. Do you know if it has been peer-reviewed or published in any scientific journals? I've been wondering about GSE for a while. I use it regularly in my soaps, but have wondered lately if it...
  19. andreabadgley

    Prayers please.

    Oh my goodness, I am so sorry! I will certainly keep your family in my thoughts and prayers.