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    Look what DH has made

    Isn't it great to have handy husbands! Those look wonderful. Ned to post picks when supplies come and soap is made.
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    Did something go wrong??

    Since they were different formulas you just may not have mixed it long enough. Did you discount the water in the first 2 and not the second? Give that last batch some time. The oil may absorb and may firm up with time. Also were your base oils the same in the formulas, that may have...
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    All Natural Flavor Oil?

    Ginny, I like how you think! :lol:
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    That's pretty the nature of the beast with M&P IMO. And if you use a really cheap base it's gone faster!
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    Vegetable Ghee/Palm oil in soap making

    It's not the same.
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    Conditioner Bars Anyone?

    I LOVE poo bars and conditioning bars. The great thing about conditioning bars is you can rub it over your hair once or 20 times depending on the amount of conditioning your hair need. I think Susan has a really basic conditioner with just a couple of ingredients. Also she has an ebook that is...
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    Silicone Oils?

    I use it in my syndet conditioner and it does not make the tub or shower slippery at all. I think you can add it to M&P soap you'll just have to experiment as to how much is too much. Don't worry, you'll know if it's too much. I would think it would separate or never harden up.
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    Ball inspiration

    Yup! If you are getting colored bubbles you are using too much. What type and how much colorant are you using?
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    liquid soap clump during neutralization

    Let it sequester for a couple weeks and see if it doesn't clear up.
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    how do l make soap from liquid glycerine glyerol

    And if you believe that I have some ocean front property to sell you (I live in AZ). No, to answer your question No you can't make soap with just glycerin. It is a humectant and is created when making soap. The commercial companies sell off the glycerin after they make their 'soap'. It is used...
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    need advice, new to soap making

    And when you double or triple a batch always run it through a calculator. Better safe then sorry. Glad it turned out ok!
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    Drying soap??

    I use plastic bread trays that they bring the bread in at the grocery store. But on the grounds that I might incriminate myself I'm not going to tell you where I got them. :wink:
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    Palm free harder bar??

    There are many other soap calculators out there. Do a google search. Always remember that this is not just a science but also and art! Which means trail and error!
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    Anyone Try M&P Yogurt Soap?

    And whats make it natural? mmmmmm I think Germall is a chemical.
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    Adding Aloe Vera to clear M&P

    I'm not sure what you mean. Is it still soft, sticky, what do you mean by "drying". There are bases out there with AV added. Is that what they are selling? To me that sounds like a lot of extra liquid to add to M&P.
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    Csn you use this in soap?

    I would think if you sprayed them with clear spray paint before you put them in the soap it would keep the colors from running. You can buy soap paper that dissolves at WSP. You can get decal paper at Planet Earth. I don't know where you can buy embeds but they are very easy to make. They are...
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    Ferric Ferrocyanide

    Whole we are on the subject has anyone used gentian violet as a colorant. If so how did it work?
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    septic systems and soaping

    I lived in a house with septic for 20 years, about 8 of those I soaped. I filled my soap pot with water and a good grease cutting dish washing liquid usually Dawn. Cleaned all my utensils in that pot and then poured it down the sink. Never had a problem. I also added Rid-X every month also. The...
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    Ferric Ferrocyanide

    Is this the old blue print photo material? I have seen it used to dye fabric and do a relief using the sun but did not know it could be used in soap. Is there anything that can make the color stick?
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    Foaming Bath Butter- I'd like to turn into Shaving Cream

    I use mine for shaving cream all the time. I use FCO because it disperses in the water better. I also whip mine til it's doubled in volume. I scented it with lime and birthday cake scent.mmmmmm yummy.