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  1. Shoshi

    How do you wrap soap for gifts

    This wrapping is seriously professional, IrishLass! Love it. On the soap course I've just finished, at the end of each session the teacher got her big bags of goodies out and we all dug in and wrapped our soaps. I mostly wrapped them in clear cellophane with some pretty ribbon around. The gold...
  2. Shoshi

    Weird Things You Say

    ROFL! Love it. Shoshi
  3. Shoshi

    Thread titles and my very strange mind.

    ROFL! I love this! Just the way my mind works, too. My dad and I used to delight in taking signs literally. In the 60s when we went on long journeys together we were always amused by the hippie filling stations on the motorway - "Way Out Fuel." He loved the "Level Crossing - Uneven Rails" sign...
  4. Shoshi

    first colored bar soaps

    How lovely! They look beautiful. IrishLass - ROFL at your hilarious siggie! Love it. Shoshi
  5. Shoshi

    How do you dispose of EOs and FOs?

    Lol! Great thread. Love the kitty jokes! I am sure it is quite unnecessary to throw out any EOs. Lots of excellent suggestions here. I have just acquired a ceramic oil burner for the bathroom (it arrived from Ebay this a.m.) - you put some water in the top, and add a few drops of EO of your...
  6. Shoshi

    Making a Clean Start!

    Thanks! Love your siggie too - and so appropriate on a forum where we are all into making sweet smells lol! One could also quote 1 John 1:9, also known as "The Christian Bar of Soap"! I am sure I am going to learn loads on here. So far I am very impressed with what people make - great photos...
  7. Shoshi

    Making a Clean Start!

    Thanks everyone! Saponista - we used to live in Plymouth too - in Weston Mill overlooking the dockyard. Now we're in Torquay. I've lived in the SW since I was 2 so really consider myself to be a Devonian as I don't remember living anywhere else. I grew up on Dartmoor and my first place was in...
  8. Shoshi

    Making a Clean Start!

    Success at last! I had to try many times to get it to accept my pics. All seems OK now, though. Shoshi
  9. Shoshi

    Making a Clean Start!

    Thank you, IrishLass and Seawolfe. The avatar is definitely smaller than they said, and the sig pic should be OK too. I'm not sure why they aren't showing. Shoshi
  10. Shoshi

    Making a Clean Start!

    Thanks for the lovely welcome everybody - so quick too! I expect it's the afternoon for most of you - here in the UK it is now after midnight but I keep very late hours and will probably be up for another hour or two. Dahila, thanks for the link. I've just hopped over and it looks really...
  11. Shoshi

    Making a Clean Start!

    Hi, my name is Shoshi, and I live in the South West of the UK, near to the sea, with my hubby of 28 years and two female grey tabby kitties, and my 93 year old mum who lives in a flat in our house. I am attending a 5-week soap making course at our local adult education centre which is due to...