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  1. S

    Superfatting for General Purpose and Laundry bar

    What do you mean? I wash by hand, one or two squirts. I have yet to find a workable formula, I have been tweaking a formula 1 cup water, 1 TBS soap, 1 TBS washing soda, 1 tsp glycerin. That cleans ok except for tough grease like heavy cream and animal fats. I tried again to add TBS of...
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    Superfatting for General Purpose and Laundry bar

    Understandable, one KOH is difficult to obtain particular where I live. Two liquid soap seems challenging compared to CP soap.
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    Superfatting for General Purpose and Laundry bar

    Please help. The problem is that 50% Coconut / 50% Tallow 0% superfat does not clean dishes properly. I tried this formula from Prairie Homestead. 3 cups water 2 tablespoons grated bar soap– I used my homemade tallow...
  4. S

    Salted out "Aleppo" Soap

    Yes they didn't have access to pure lye and couldn't measure it correctly that's why they had to do the boiling method. Now that we have pure NaOH that could make it faster with CP. It's the same with Black African Soap.
  5. S

    Superfatting for General Purpose and Laundry bar

    Think I found the perfect delicates laundry soap 50% Tallow 50% Coconut oil 0% super fat. I made it and re batched into cream soap. Sane ingredients for Zote a Mexican hand wash soap.
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    Salted out "Aleppo" Soap

    Can you make Aleppo soap with just normal Cold Process, Olive oil and Lye water and add Bay Laurel oil after trace? Do you think the Syrians went through that convoluted process just because they could measure the Lye percentages very accurately? Or none perfect measures.
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    Coconut and Tallow Soap forgot to melt oils

    Hi I rebatched it, it never gelled or went clear or it just when into a white cream soap.
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    Liquid Soap with NaOH

    Well can you make nice clear yellow liquid soap with NaOH? Not talking about rebatching bar into liquid.
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    Coconut and Tallow Soap forgot to melt oils

    This was meant to be a liquid dish soap can I just got to thus step without rematch? I think I will rebatch as the grease paper stuck to the soap and didn't readily peel off. Still smells like Lamb Tallow too. Once I rebatch can I...
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    Coconut and Tallow Soap forgot to melt oils

    Can I test it somehow to see whether I need to rebatch or not.
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    Coconut and Tallow Soap forgot to melt oils

    Oils didn't melt it stayed a thick trace consistency. I did double boil for 2 mind just stayed thick.
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    Coconut and Tallow Soap forgot to melt oils

    I did this because I wanted to use it as dish and laundry soap. It was just a small test batch. 180 grams of oil. Just rendered tallow from the roast lamb.
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    Coconut and Tallow Soap forgot to melt oils

    Okay but my lye mixture was cool before I mixed it. Seems okay it's gelling so it should be fine. Heating up in the box.
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    KOH in Sydney

    Any supplier in Sydney?
  15. S

    Coconut and Tallow Soap forgot to melt oils

    Hi I made Coconut and rendered lamb tallow at 0% superfat. I forgot to melt the oils when I mixed the lye water and fats. Will that be a problem? It was always in trace I then added sugar. I blended very well. Will I have to rebatch? I am insulating it to gel it.
  16. S

    Can you make money selling soap?

    So most people doing this as a hobby business? I'll be happy to sell a few bars of soap to cover costs. Since this obsession started I have spent more money making soap than I ever bought.
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    KOH in Sydney

    Where can I get KOH in Sydney or supplier that ships to Sydney. , AU.
  18. S

    soap turned to soup in mold

    You can hot process it and see what you get I have had soap separate just stick blended it more until gel consistency.
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    HP: Understanding Gel

    I prefer gelled soap, it feels more like soap is done.
  20. S

    Superfatting for General Purpose and Laundry bar

    Just the soap in water. I made my bar soap for laundry into a Liquid soap. 3 parts water and 1 part soap melted and it seems to be cleaning dishes very well. I tested it again after a few days on clothes and it seems to be cleaning clothes fine now.