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  1. T

    I've been remiss...

    very nice..i love the swirls...
  2. T

    Wick "mushrooming"

    i use the zinc wicks..They mushroom.BUT I am happy with the scent throw/melt pool..I burn my candles for about 5 hours,When I re-light,I trim,no soot on my glass,and I am happy-- i agree with the 2 ladies here.Trim your wicks..Simple.easy.and no extra
  3. T

    I hate labels

    i use the avery online pro as well.easy enough,but,i hate to cut the labels,,i just use printer paper..I guess I need to use the labels,huh??lol make it easier..
  4. T

    Candle pies

    i made a loaf cake candle..Wish i had taken a pic of it..i used a mini cast iron loaf pan(my moms) filled it almost full with my wax I had colored a deep tan,scented with Snicker Doodle..Let that set for 24 hours..Came back and melted my wax for the "frosting"..After it was melted,I just...
  5. T

    Need a Honeysuckle FO. Please recommend a supplier.

    let us know how it smells and does..k??
  6. T

    First Show - Yay!! (lots of pics inside)

    very nice set up!!!! love it
  7. T

    Alabaster Scents- Are they any good?

    i have ordered from backwoods...i was pleased with the cucumber mint....
  8. T

    Think I finally got it! (Batch #4)

    oh wow..nice!! the caramel colored ones looks like you can just EAT it..NICE nice nice
  9. T

    Recycled soap to make confetti

    i just love to recycle soaps,,NO WASTE,,I say..Looks great!! Been nice if it were a FROOT LOOP
  10. T

    Goat's Milk :)

    very nice!!! I love Goats Milk Soap!!!
  11. T

    new one from me

  12. T

    The "Faces behind the names thread tk2"....

    Me & hubby this is name is Vicky ,by the way..[/img]
  13. T

    This is cool, I have been featured.

    very cool!! wtg!!!
  14. T

    pillar candles- wanna try 'em.advice?

    wow--- I guess this make take some time to perfect...i will order VYBAR- the wax as well as some new wicks..Thank yo for your input,your advice and your patience!!!!
  15. T

    pillar candles- wanna try 'em.advice?

    and these burn great? Awesome scent throw?? OMG..I just can't get over how beautiful these are!!!! We have a place around here that sales the marbeled ones for like $75...She GETS that much as well!! Imagine THAT!!!!!
  16. T

    pillar candles- wanna try 'em.advice?

    so beautiful-- omg--- u r one talented lady--- i want to do those chunk candles...thanx
  17. T

    pillar candles- wanna try 'em.advice? are a very smart lady!! Thank you for taking the time to 'splain this...
  18. T

    pillar candles- wanna try 'em.advice?

    making pillars with it?? ... Thank you Wax Munky--- Why the vybar though?? I have the other stuff..I make caontainer candles and tarts..Have for 3 years now..Wanna get to some pillars...
  19. T

    Just noticed

    lol..too cute
  20. T

    My stuff...

    k-- these are the lids I need!! The silver ones..WHERE the heck d'ya get um?? Ur products are to die for!!!! Love the packaging...