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  1. thefarmerdaughter

    what I've been up to

    It's just grated soap, I know how well you love to grate soap! sprinkled on top, press lightly so it dont fall off.
  2. thefarmerdaughter

    what I've been up to

    These are all scented with Green apple from WSP. It soaped wonderfully, waiting to see if it sticks. It's a tart greed apple with a light floral backround. The bathe fizzes and lotion bars are scented with a combo of Green apple and Black amber (also WSP) Which I love. I'm waiting on a shipment...
  3. thefarmerdaughter

    Facial Bar Recipe Critique

    My facial/acne bars share many of the same ingredients that your considering. I do not use that may soft oils, but I do use lard, which has not caused and issues. Some claim it exaggerated zits, but I haven't found that to be true at all. I use charcoal, lime for its antiseptic properties, Tee...
  4. thefarmerdaughter

    Nobody's favorite topic: Rebatching

    Which ever liquid you choose, I find letting the soap crumbles set in the liquid and soften, helps. I've only ever used milk, I make milk soaps so it make sense. I've also only ever used my oven, and a stainless steel pot. So I cant offer any advice regarding the crock pot.
  5. thefarmerdaughter


    I've always infused my natural colorants into a bit of oil, and added it at trace. I don't care for the speckled look, or the scratchy feel of adding the colorant directly.
  6. thefarmerdaughter

    Anyone Recommend a Good Peach FO

    I've become addicted to reading reviews. But I've also read some sites edit, to only include favorable reviews.
  7. thefarmerdaughter

    Show ~n~ Tell Challenge - Soap Inspired by a Song From The Year You Were Born

    Tutti Frutti, dianne's full moon and 2nd Impression's setting sun, ya'll are making me crazy! I love the embeds! I've got to try it. I have some green apple Fo, I wonder if I can shape my embed's to look like apples...
  8. thefarmerdaughter

    Show ~n~ Tell Challenge - Soap Inspired by a Song From The Year You Were Born

    There have been some awesome soaps posted so far! Here's mine, Bob Seger -Like a Rock (1986) I kinda cheated , I just used scraps from a loaf I was already making. I shaped them into 'rock' forms ran under water till smooth and sprayed w/ alcohol. But it was fun, playing with smoochy soap is...
  9. thefarmerdaughter


    Cinnamon and clove makes a nice dark brown. Both times I used clove as a colorant the scent some how managed to make it thru the cure. Also wanna mention TKB Trading huge selection of soap stable colorants, good prices.
  10. thefarmerdaughter

    candle atlernative

    Thanks for responding! I've never made either, candles or smelly jellys. I've gotten requests for candles. But I was kinda hoping there was a reasonable alternative out there.
  11. thefarmerdaughter

    Wet Oatmeal

    How much did you use per Lb? When I make GM oat and honey soap, I always add my finely ground oatmeal to my milk. Which hydrates it. Than add that to my oils. I've never had a problem with mold, or my soap being too scratchy.
  12. thefarmerdaughter


    2nd Impressions, Are you soaping at nap time? :grin: There have been many days when I've tucked the younguns in bed and scampered to the back of the house to try to rock out a batch! Using your failed layers as imbeds (chopping them up ahead of time) could help with you time constraint.
  13. thefarmerdaughter


    This may not work. But what if you ungelled you first layer, than 24h later poured the second one and gelled it? would that help the layers bond? Or maybe not, I was just thinking about my ungelled soaps and how they stay soft and malleable... But I think Liz's idea of imbeds is a smart one!
  14. thefarmerdaughter

    troubled by fast trace

    What is your method of stirring? what temp are you soaping at? are you using any fo's that could speed up trace?
  15. thefarmerdaughter

    Soap porn

    Great Link! What are those little pearls on the tops of some of her soaps?
  16. thefarmerdaughter

    soap thats good for eczema

    Those are great suggestions. So it would seem any cp soap is going to be an improvement over detergent bars. I'm thinking 80-20/ olive to coconut. some finely ground oats, honey. I always sf around 10%. But I'm also thinking a lotion bar would be a good thing, as like a 'spot treatment' for his...
  17. thefarmerdaughter

    soap thats good for eczema

    I've bumped this b/c I'm wondering if CaliChan has made the eczema soap, and how it turned out? I recently had a friend ask me to make some soap for her son who has eczema, and I'm trying to decide how to precede.
  18. thefarmerdaughter

    The making of "Amber Romance" (PIC HEAVY)

    Thanks! great tips. The one's I've been looking at aren't clear but otherwise identical. They claim to be "no line". I had my doubts, so it's good the read an honest review on them.
  19. thefarmerdaughter

    The making of "Amber Romance" (PIC HEAVY)

    R&R, I've been looking at molds like your clear plastic one above. (w/the Junior mints soap) I've only used wood up to this point. Can you rate that mold for me? ;) Beautiful soap btw