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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. D

    raw milk vs pasturised

    raw goat milk vs pasturised goat milk - Is one better than the other to make soap with?
  2. D

    Check out my new stuff..

    You can barrow my little helper: He likes to stand under my feet and catches/picks up any soap peices I drop while cutting : "Uh-O he-a momma" (here momma) and hands the little crumbs/flakes to me.
  3. D


    anyone have a cocoa soap recipe handy?
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    Organizing/Storing Soap

    We have a small house too so I had the same starage delima. I got a metal wire from the dollar store for $3. It has pull out shelves/ drawers. I just put paper towels or newspaper on the bottom and then cover top - that way it can still get air through the sides. It's worked pretty well for me...
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    I just started making soap in May. I started because my little boy has eczema really bad and nothing seemed to help. My friend has a little boy is battling it too so I figured it was worth a try. My son is allergic to eggs, dairy and peanuts so he drinks goat milk. The lady I get my milk from...
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    bentonite clay?

    I found a recipe that calls for bentonite clay where do you buy it? The recipe is from ;)
  7. D

    does home depot carry lye?

    I pay $5.25 for a 16oz container at ACE hardware here. The town I live in is SO small everything is expensive here! I only go into the big town every other week or so for "stock up" shopping. I need to get it in town next time.
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    Yay! Watermelon soap!

    wow - that looks great! I'm impressed! :D What is CP?
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    Honey & Oatmeal Goat Milk Soap

    My first try with these recipes :) It already smells good enough to take a bite out of! :lol: (my son keeps trying to!) And here are pics of my coconut oil goat milk soap: I'm really new to this (these are my 2nd & 3rd batches) I've had to get aa little creative with...
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    Can someone share a 'cheap' soap recipe with me.....

    All 3 batches I've made have had goat milk in it. I just haven't played with recipes that dont specifically call for milk. My son can only drink goat milk so we found someone who raises and milks goats. She gives us a GREAT price and even pasturized the milk I've been making soap with. My son...
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    TOG Mold?

    I checked out your ToG products - you have some fine crafting there. I might have to start getting my lye from you. I live in a VERY small town and its $5 for a 16oz can here. Everything cost more when you live next to nowhere!
  12. D

    Can someone share a 'cheap' soap recipe with me.....

    Re: cheap soap recipe Could you sub the water with milk or would it be a different amount of milk vs water?