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  1. K


    You can up the superfat, use some butters or avocado oil, refrain from using artificial fragrances (you will need to if your skin is anything like mine), whatever you do, you can only make a soap that is not drying to skin but not something that is moisturising. Especially if everything else...
  2. K

    Lip balm top edge...

    I haven't used a lip balm tray because I don't have one yet, but not thinking of getting one either. The most I've done is a dozen tubes and I hold them up with one hand while filling with the other, I like the control I have with this. So far didn't bother to cover the divots up but since I got...
  3. K

    Which design/swirl do people usually like best?

    I love ITP swirls, zebra swirls, tiger swirls, butterfly swirls, chopstick swirls, well most kinds but I hate most spoon swirls. For some reason I'm seeing intestines and fat tissue and several other weird body organs in a lot of them.
  4. K

    My liquid first dish soap... Maybe my last.

    It's just the way I read your sentence jay jay, you did not probably do anything wrong but I would still calculate extra lye for however much CA you add instead of doing lye excess and guess how much CA to add, unless you actually know how to do the math. I don't know how to. SLSA seems to be...
  5. K

    My liquid first dish soap... Maybe my last.

    By adding CA, you increased the SF of your soap not decrease it to negative values. That could have affected the bubbles but in general lye based soap bubbles don't last very long, you will need surfactants for that. If you wish to pursue home made dish soap any further may be you could research...
  6. K

    Very Sad Today :-( Rant

    I really hope you find a solution to this critical issue Carolyn. I don't know much about the workings of health insurance. Just want to see if I could help any way I can. I think you should really give us SMFers a chance. I know most of us are thinking of contributing whatever little we could...
  7. K

    Microwave- and pouring-friendly bows suggestions?

    I recently bought those white plastic pitchers from dollar tree that I see in most of the soaping videos. They have a pour spout, hold 5 lbs of stuff( either the whole batch or just oils), are microwave safe but they are not very sturdy and you need to steady them with both hands while pouring...
  8. K

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    For a second day in a row I went down to the basement and stared at my coffee soap loaves for a good while hoping they would turn the lovely dark chocolate brown that the batter was going into the mold, the same color I got before with a similar recipe, the only difference being the red palm...
  9. K

    When will my luck change

    I'm sorry that you are going through all this stress but I whole heartedly second everything that Dorymae said. Nothing ever is the end of the world, things always work out. You just have to learn to stop stressing out and keep doing the best you can.
  10. K

    Ecstatic over bath bombs

    Those look like a perfect representation of whatever they might be. Just beautiful. I have never made bath bombs although I probably have everything I need to make a batch. Pardon my ignorance but why do people use bath bombs? What exactly do they contribute to the experience? I didn't have a...
  11. K

    50-pounds CO NOT in a bag in a pail?

    I have ordered CO in a 40 lb pail from BA but that was in January and I'm not sure if they have changed their packing style. What I received was a neat HDPE bucket with a well fitting lid. Given your experience with your supplier though, you should probably chat with their CS before you place...
  12. K

    50-pounds CO NOT in a bag in a pail?

    Hi, welcome back! Sorry you are having issues. I would be very upset also. But may be you could call the suppliers CS and see if they can make amends before giving up on them, then you can find out what to expect in future with other pails you might be ordering.
  13. K

    Feedback needed please

    Just decrease the AO to 10% and add the rest in lard, that should make a better bar and less prone to DOS problems. Also, if you are not doing any fancy stuff you shouldn't need full water, you could do a lye concentration instead of water as percentage of oils, and use 33% lye concentration...
  14. K

    Soap on a rope...what rope?

    I think it's better to soap and mold as usual and then carve a hole in to the dry soap and thread it onto a rope of your choice.
  15. K

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Good luck with your shipment amd, last Friday I ordered from SC, the package reached UPS store/ center that's about max 25 min from me. Guess when I got them, yep, Monday! That's just ridiculous. Today I called Ace Hardware store one block away to find out if they carried lye, they did! So...
  16. K

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    I came across that scent combination in the product reviews the first time I ordered online and since I was so new to everything, I used that recommendation. For hubby it hit the right spot I guess as it reminds him of his favorite food item, it's called paan, a mouth freshener heavy on mint and...
  17. K

    Is this you?

    none of our delivery guys( or girls, I don't know ) or the mail man ring my door bell. They just leave the packages at the door quietly and leave, so I have to keep checking if I am waiting for some soapy stuff. I do answer the door when my signature is required and they had to ring.
  18. K

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    I cleaned all my soapy dishes. Then made my DH's favorite mint and anise star soap with bentonite clay in it. today I used beeswax at 3% in the recipe. No colors other than the greenish hue from the clay, so no drama.
  19. K

    How would you cut this?

    I second relle's suggestion. They would be small but then you get to use them faster:).
  20. K

    Soaper's choice neem oil

    I was definitely considering the three EOs mentioned. I'm leaning towards Rosemary.