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  1. grumpy_owl

    It's Carnival time!

    I don't really have a name for it. I just wanted to make Mardi Gras soaps that will look pretty all through Carnival season. The mica on top is gold even though it looks a bit pinkish in the pic. We do love our sparkle and glitter here. That, by the way, is an unsuccessful mantra swirl. I didn't...
  2. grumpy_owl

    It's Carnival time!

    Happy Twelfth Night, everyone. Carnival season kicks off today and this is how I celebrated.
  3. grumpy_owl

    Chef's or kitchen soap (again)

    Yes, lsg, thank you. Conditioning was very high--61. I'm gonna go for it as soon as I get more castor oil, which is not a thing I thought I'd run out of so frequently.
  4. grumpy_owl

    Chef's or kitchen soap (again)

    I found a recipe for "chef's soap" that I'd like to make, but aside from a true Castille, I have not made soap without a hard fat like lard or tallow, so I was curious. Can anyone tell me whether these proportions look doable and whether it will take much longer to cure than a palm/tallow/lard...
  5. grumpy_owl

    Your ugliest rebatch

    mmm, meaty!
  6. grumpy_owl

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Mardi Gras soaps! My first mantra swirl! So much gold sparkle! It's shenanigans Sunday and I'm celebrating.
  7. grumpy_owl

    "Burned" my coconut water what was I thinking?

    My 100 percent coconut water, no additives, turns bright orange in the lye water as well every time, but it soaps up fine. I read here that that will happen so I went ahead and tried it. Always trust your helpful forumites! The "burned" effect was probably from the sugar in the coconut milk...
  8. grumpy_owl

    Your ugliest rebatch

    Challenge accepted! To be fair, these were not rebatches of my own soaps. They were CP scraps from soaps I had around. I wanted to try rebatching to rescue them before I did CP for the first time. The green globs of greasy grimy gopher guts are scented with green tea. The hard-as-a-rock concrete...
  9. grumpy_owl

    You're addicted to CP when...

    When you're watching a soap tutorial on the laptop and notice a black speck on the screen, but hesitate to wipe it away because for a mad moment you think you're touching raw soap. For MPers: When you run around the house muttering, "Where is my alcohol? I know I had half a bottle. I need that...
  10. grumpy_owl

    3D mosaic soap

    I think Tienne's got it--like the way you make a checkerboard cake, only with soap. Way too advanced for me but those are PERFECT!
  11. grumpy_owl

    Discoloration, how I love thee

    newbie, I spray the heck out of them with IA, and put a loose layer of plastic wrap over the top. The embeds actually fare very well, even in the humid weather down here. My Winter Citrus soaps are still doing okay after four months, and each has three little MP embeds (orange slice, lemon...
  12. grumpy_owl

    My latest creation: coconut cream

    Those are beautiful! Which coconut fragrance did you use? I've made two batches and can't really smell the coconut on either one. But for the second, I wised up and grated a cured unscented white soap and pressed the curls into the top so it looks like coconut. Still smells like a big nothing...
  13. grumpy_owl

    Storing Micas and Powders

    I put clays, pumice, loofah, colloidal oatmeal, basically anything not a colorant, in these little jars. 99 cents from World Market. Then again, I don't have that many. My micas and pigments are in one big plastic drawer of a 3-drawer rolling cart thingy I keep under the kitchen island.
  14. grumpy_owl

    New NG and AH orders ...

    I use the Ruby Red Grapefruit along with a spot of Litsea to ground and secure my winter citrus fragrance blend and it's fantastic. Really stands out, even in CP. I'm sorry shunt had trouble with it but I might overscent just a tad because I hate rebatching and tend to be timid with FOs due to a...
  15. grumpy_owl

    You know there's a sale today at WSP, right?

    They carry so many FOs and the site has such small print and is confusing and confounding for my work-tired brain. Thank goodness I'm too lazy to poke around for bargains I can't afford and don't need anyway. Well, maybe it wouldn't hurt to browse ...
  16. grumpy_owl

    Discoloration, how I love thee

    Chocolate Mint Teatime loaf with MP embeds which are, of course, getting gross glycerin dew. Par for the course.
  17. grumpy_owl

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Made another batch of coconut soap because my first was ugly. This one uses 100 percent coconut water in place of distilled, and I pressed grated curls of a white soap that ended up without scent onto the top, so it looks like it's covered in sugared coconut. My step-sister loves coconut and...
  18. grumpy_owl

    Think I just set a record for rapid trace

    Cool! Thank you! Gotta run--we have a battle in 4 minutes. (Sadly, I'm invested in two addictions, and only one is soaping.) Hugs.
  19. grumpy_owl

    Lots of NG reviews.

    These are great. Thank you so much! I mixed Teakwood & Cardamom with Green Irish Tweed in order to "take down" the fresh/soapy/springy scent of GIT and give it a bit of masculine sensuality. It worked very well and between the two of them, the scent is strong, strong, STRONG.
  20. grumpy_owl

    Think I just set a record for rapid trace

    @DW: It shames me to admit it, but I play an online game and am in the powerful and fun-loving guild known as w00ters. We like owl jokes, soap, and killing people virtually. :) And @newbie, that is great to hear! My soap will be using English Rose and Clove Oil, both very strong-smelling so...