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  1. C

    Question for those of you who make loofah soaps

    I too have never soaked mine. What is the reason for this?
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    Hi and welcome to the forum!
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    Soaping wth Rooto brand lye

    thanks to you both. I needed reassurance, and knew just where to find it.
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    Soaping wth Rooto brand lye

    I'm making my first batch of soap using the 100% Rooto brand of lye and I noticed some slight crusty stuff at the top. I'm planning on straining but is it safe? I've always gotten my lye from a soap supplier, and am leery for some reason.
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    Bubble Lucious. I am so pleased with this

    I love your colors, and your swirls!
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    A summer soap and attempt to copy a technique

    That's just beautiful! Love the color combo!
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    Ebru with a spin

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    Soaping fail

    My guess would be the vanilla is coming through the Merlot wine that was used. Hope it comes back to you next time you make it.
  9. C

    Help? New soaper w/ questions

    Thanks shunt2011. I'll give it a go using your recommendations.
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    Solid Lotion Magnesium Bar Recipe??

    I don't know how to add the link, but search Epsom salt bars in this forum, and there's great info. Consensus seems to say no.Deeanna, our resident scientist explains why. Hope this helps!
  11. C

    Help? New soaper w/ questions

    As long as we're on the subject of lye. I've always used flake. I feel safer measuring it out, vs beads which can go everywhere, as was stated earlier in the post. Today, I was needing lye, and was only able to find a can at the hardware store. It says it's 100% lye. It is very granular, almost...
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    Taiwan swirl in a T&S mold??!

    I am in fact a visual learner. You're amazing to go the extra mile! For some reason, it was easier for me to visualize in a loaf mold, but I couldn't transfer it in my head given the narrow dimensions. It was a total brain snap :-) As always, you are so appreciated!
  13. C

    Taiwan swirl in a T&S mold??!

    Thanks lionprincess00. For some reason I was drawing a blank. I knew how to cut them, but couldn't envision a proper size for this mold. It didn't get filled to the top like I would have like. When separators were removed, I was leery of free handing soap into my four strips.fingers crossed...
  14. C

    Taiwan swirl in a T&S mold??!

    I've been wanting to try this technique. Having dividers,, I decided to do it in a TS mold. I now have no idea how I should cut it to bring out the beauty of the swirl without having miniature soap bars. Am I missing something or should I have done it in a wider loaf mold?
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    Soap Friends & Freindship

    While we've never met, and I'm pretty new here, I too will be sending positive energy, thoughts and prayers your way. Looking forward to seeing you back on the board having all of this behind you. Just on this forum alone, you have support and prayers from all parts of the world.
  16. C

    Looking to mimic a scent of incense

    I'm not sure what the scent is you're referring to, but I was told Mikes fragrances and more will replicate if he has a sample. Good luck in your search!
  17. C

    soaping where there are no soapers

    Could you source your tallow from a kibbutz? Snappy, that was an awesome piece of info to share regarding LinkedIn! It's been a long while since I've sent anything to friends in Israel, are you taxed on gifts?
  18. C

    Sweet cakes masculine musk

    Thank you. I couldn't find any info anywhere!
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    landscape soap

    Lionprincess, I'm in absolute awe of your talent! How did this not place much much higher? After seeing this, I can safely say I'm nowhere near being part of a contest, unless they give out ****ie they? :-)
  20. C

    Sweet cakes masculine musk

    I recently purchased some fo's from SC, and none have info on discoloration. I was hoping someone had experience with this one and would share. I did find info on their site that suggested no SB once FO is added, to soap below 100 degrees, and to add at light trace. Any and all experience with...