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  1. C

    is maltodrextrin ok in soap?

    Thank you both for your helpful responses! Not_ally, I'd really appreciate seeing your notes. You don't need to include your recipe if that isn't something you wish to do, but I would like to see your process for additional verification. That would be really helpful! Thanks for such a gracious...
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    Neat Little Toy

    I have an acrylic beveled/ planer. Has anyone here used one of those? Not having used the other, I think the stainless steel blade would be sharper. I got my acrylic at soap making resources.
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    is maltodrextrin ok in soap?

    OMG!'re totally right! I actually got 100x aloe powder and coconut milk powder in same order. Thanks for telling me how you used that as well�� I was going to add them both to my oils. Did your coconut milk powder cause discoloration? I gel all my soaps. ETA: you said 1 oz powder...
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    is maltodrextrin ok in soap?

    I just got coconut milk powder 100x from WSP. There's no info on site or bag as to useage. Would 1T PPO be ok? Also, will it discolor if I gel?
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    A graphic reminder of the dangers of lye

    Thanks for posting this picture. My children, while no longer little tease me about my lye concerns. They mock my "respect the lye" mantra. Having this photo to show them that this is no joke I truly appreciate. Hopefully, this will drive home graphically, my reason to Respect The Lye!! I too...
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    Soaping 101 liquid soapmaking video?

    I've been wanting to make LS, so thank you Irishlass (as always) for your detailed and helpful instructions. I personally don't wish to use borax. To each his own. Thanks glassfishy for posting, which resulted in such detailed responses sure to be helpful to many in the future.
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    Welcome to the SMF Family!! Please read this first :)

    Welcome artisan designs to the group! Sorry about your first overheat. I'd say your batting average is pretty darn good! Good luck with your next endeavor! A great cause!
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    Hello from AL!

    Welcome! So glad you introduced yourself!
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    New Salt Bar

    Oh my! I've been wanting to try making salt bars. 5-6 months! Just waiting to cut is rough, let alone standard cure time...must learn patience.
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    A 'Delicate' Question

    I needed a laugh today, and you all didn't disappoint! Lol.
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    Thanks Soap Gremlins!!

    You overheated....ask me how I know that?
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    Getting your FO to stick

    I usually stick to 5%. I've never HP, but I'd like to try. Right now, I'm enjoying all the swirling etc...that I don't think I could get with HP. Fruits seems to stick, but more perfume scents don't. I'm personally not a fruit fan in soaps. I've tried using clay, but honestly haven't noticed any...
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    Marbling Inspiration

    Nicely done!
  14. C

    cpop and soda ash question

    JBot, an igloo is a heavy duty insulated plastic container used often to keep things cool at picnics. They come in various sizes. I have one large enough to put most of my mold into. They keep the heat in nicely, and my soaps gel really well. So far, it's the method that works best for me. That...
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    Getting your FO to stick

    Some of my fo's stick well after cure, but others seem to just dissipate. I've heard of various methods, but do any of them work? Any and all suggestions that have worked for you would be greatly appreciated. Sometimes after steaming they come back, but not always. What do you all do?
  16. C

    cpop and soda ash question

    Since I started sprit zing with alcohol, and placing in an igloo, I rarely get ash. Never have used Saran, and have only CPOP'd once with disastrous results. Igloo works just fine for me.
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    First Butterflies!

    Beautiful! This is one technique I've yet to attempt. Not even sure where to begin, and seeing such lovely ones out there...on my one day to try list. Love your color choices as well! Good job!
  18. C

    Lye heavy soap?

    Your soap is lovely! The mud, and sweet paprika compliment one another beautifully!nothing like that here in this desert. We have friends and family there, and my husband lived for awhile on a day soon, we hope to return.
  19. C

    Extremely fast trace

    When I first started out, my biggest mistake was overuse of my SB. Use it on low in short bursts and use it as a stirrer. Also, soaping at room temp also helps. However, your EO or FO, can be a big factor in acceleration. Generally, I stick blend/stir just to emulsion. Then I separate off my...
  20. C

    cp soap stuck in wooden mold

    I didn't read all posts, but without knowing your percentages, it seems just based on the list that there's a lot of soft oils. I'd just leave it in the mold longer and recheck. Can you post your percentages? Beautiful soap however!