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  1. C

    Vitamin in in Whipped Body Butter

    Thank you Shunt2011, I couldn't find info anywhere. In the end I left it out for this batch. My butter got really hard. Did I freeze too long? Or is it the ingredients combined?
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    Vitamin in in Whipped Body Butter

    I want to make up a batch of whipped body butter. My question is what kind of vitamin E oil? Most bottles of oil also contain other ingredients, and the strength varies. I think I remember someone posting not so long ago that Vitamin E capsules also contain other ingredients. What would you all...
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    Beginner needing correct amounts

    one thing I'd suggest, is to make a copy of all the oil and butters that tell you what they all bring to the party so to speak, and what their profiles are with suggested useage rates. Knowing the properties of the oils and butters you are using will enable you to make a bar that is what you...
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    Unisex scents

    i find BB's lavender cedar to be unisex. soaps beautifully as well
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    Say hello to Crowley!

    Good job hmlove1218! While I've never dognapped, I did contact the authorities regarding my former next door neighbors dog. Her first offense was rubberbanding the poor dogs snout so "he woudn't bark so much" . I live in the desert and as you can imagine, it gets very hot, especially in the...
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    Why the Eff do able bodied people park in handicapped spots?

    Like some of you, I too dont always "look" sick or handicapped. Ive been fortunate enough to not be questioned or berated, but i have seen some stares :-( IF I'm having a better day and there's plenty of spaces available, i won't use the HC spot, knowing that there's likely someone needing it...
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    Soaping equipment

    the only things i can think of that havent already been mentioned (i think), are wide mouth squeeze bottles, and measuring cups with spouts. A lot of people love the long necked narrow spouts, but i dont have much luck working with those. Norpro makes some good measuring cups. I have a few 4 cup...
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    The Indian Food Thread

    Hi all! Ive been out of commission for awhile, but what a treat to come back and see this thread!! I hope it continues. Thanks to everyone who is sharing. The only book i have is Feast Of India A Legacy Of Recipes And Fables by Rani. Ive had it for a long time, but havent been disappointed for...
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    New shave soap

    that looks amazing!! i bet it feels awesome as well!
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    Great recipe for tallow/lard!

    thanks for sharing! i would love to see pics :-)
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    Swirl #1 done

    beautiful job! nicely done!
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    Circling Taiwan swirl.. I had to try.

    Beautiful! Haven't been online lately. Somehow I've yet to see this technique. Love your color choices. Cut please?!
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    The Little Efficacious Gentleman

    Welcome to the world wee one! So beautiful! Enjoy these times as they go frightfully fast. My first born just turned 25 on the 20th, and my youngest will be leaving the house in a few weeks :-( Congratulations to you and your wife on this next big adventure. Happy, healthy, and beautiful!
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    Was supposed to be something else

    Wow! That's lovely! I've yet to HP, and seeing this gives me hope and something to strive for. Thanks for sharing!
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    I'm Getting Married in the Morning(Not Spam)

    Congratulations! May your day, and start of your new life be perfect in every way!
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    Information needed for my daughter please

    all great suggestions! What about the NIH?
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    SMF LA area soapers in person meet-up

    im so envious of you LA area soapers...Have fun! wish i could be there.
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    25 % off everything WSP sale

    i never got notification via email. just received an order recently. is sale still on? i don't see anything on the site regarding this, and i need a few things....well, i don't NEED a few things, but could always Use a few things. Many of my items have been out of stock. do they give rainchecks?
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    I subscribe to the adage,"I'd rather be thought a fool, than to open my mouth and prove it" I've been shocked by the level of Internet nastiness. People hiding behind a computer and pseudo name can be appalling. Stupidity can be fixed, ignorance however, cannot. Thank goodness for the SMF...
  20. C

    It's been a while.. Few new soaps

    Beautiful soaps! Your stamps come out so cleanly! Thanks for sharing, and congrats on your next chapter of life!