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  1. Ravenscourt Apothecary

    HELP with glycerin soap!!!

    Thanks for the suggestions! You're quite possibly a life saver. I ordered me some stearic acid, it's on its way. As for melting it, I actually *gasp* purposely don't own a microwave, will it melt in the crockpot? (it better)
  2. Ravenscourt Apothecary

    HELP with glycerin soap!!!

    Yeah, I'm familiar with Bonnie's formulas, I've made a couple batches of the first one. I was mostly asking for help with my botched batch this time around, since I used alcohol and not propylene glycol the way she does it the the videos.
  3. Ravenscourt Apothecary

    HELP with glycerin soap!!!

    Thank you for your recommendations - how would I add the lye, just dissolve it in the water the usual way and add to the mixture? I'm really not sure how to use the calc when it comes to things involving solvents, but I'll try.
  4. Ravenscourt Apothecary

    mushi but in a weird way

    I found that making pure olive oil soap is a lot easier if you use hot process instead of cold. I made a batch of pure castille soap that way about a month and a half ago (no other oils added, no water discount, superfat 5%, scented with lavender EO), and am using a second bar of that batch - it...
  5. Ravenscourt Apothecary

    HELP with glycerin soap!!!

    Hi all, So I made a batch of CPOP soap, and the coloring in it didn't work (I used beetroot powder hoping to achieve a nice shade or reddish pink, however, it turned an ugly shade of light brown instead). That, combined with the fact that the scent wasn't great either (jasmine and black pepper...
  6. Ravenscourt Apothecary

    Smell of Tea?

    I recently made a batch of Earl Grey soap, using a strong brew of Earl Grey tea instead of water to dissolve my lye. It wasn't scented with anything else, apart from a tiny bit of lavender florets sprinkled on top. I used CPOP with water discount for making this soap. During the first week it...