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  1. Malleebird

    Opinions on recipe modifications

    Hi KiwiMoose - Have you tried Woolworths/Safeway for Safflower oil. I get it there for $AUD10.66/L ($AUD8 for 750ml bottle). It's just called "Heart Smart"....Safflower Oil in fine print. Supplier is a Queensland company, Plentyfoods.
  2. Malleebird

    My new garden baby

    You're probably right @Catscankim about mine needing a bit of gets plenty light and air but no sun. In fact....I've just gone and moved it out into my fernery... 😄 🤞. I measured it while I had it unravelled too...nearly 5 feet so hopefully halfway to flowering !!
  3. Malleebird

    My new garden baby

    I haven't been on the forum or made soap for months.... too busy gardening ! Today I decided I've got to get back to it before I run out.... so login... to get back in the mindset, and what's the first thing that pops up....a gardening topic ! Soooo have to have my 2 cents worth here :) I'm...
  4. Malleebird

    Alkanet Root in lye water

    I've made a couple of batches with alkanet. I infused it in olive oil for about 6 weeks. The lighter one (10%) I only made about 10 days ago and it was that lovely smokey blue's now quite grey. The round one (20%) was made on the 25/7 and hasn't changed at all. Same formula btw...
  5. Malleebird

    Sea water in face cream ?

    Oooo....okay thank you ! I'll omit the honey & aloes and make the percentage up in the oil phase...adding cocoa butter probably. Thanks again :)
  6. Malleebird

    Sea water in face cream ?

    Thanks DeeAnna.... really appreciate your response and advice. I'll definitely leave out the sea water first time around and will also add a touch more stearic acid. I'll be using Germall Plus in this recipe....but maybe if I cut out the aloes & honey another time, could I get away with just...
  7. Malleebird

    Sea water in face cream ?

    I'm about to make some face cream/moisturizer for my daughter....she finally trusts me !! She's all of 36 and says she wants something for her "ageing" skin :rolleyes: I must add I'm pretty new to this lotion game....only really made it for myself but have been quite happy. I'm using WSP to...
  8. Malleebird

    Pine Tar Soap

    I made 2 different formulas and used 10% pine tar in one and 15% pine tar in the other. Using them, I honestly can't tell the difference between the two (No added fragrance to either). The 10% one was REALLY slow to trace and the 15% one was "normal". I prefer the darker colour ... but depends...
  9. Malleebird

    Does coconut oil get rancid?

    Thanks again for your help Dee Anna...have taken all that on board and will look forward to trying my next batch....which I definitely will do as I don't like to be beaten !! Although....I had decided that it probably wasn't worth the trouble after I costed it out. I wanted to do it because lard...
  10. Malleebird

    Does coconut oil get rancid?

    Wow.... 4 years in the fridge and still good. You got it right :D
  11. Malleebird

    Does coconut oil get rancid?

    Thanks DeeAnna, yes it sounds like water must have been the problem. So you're saying after I strain it I must reheat again until the crackling stops ie. any water remaining evaporates ? What I did was....after straining, pour it into a big lined tray and put it in the freezer until it was...
  12. Malleebird

    Does coconut oil get rancid?

    Wondering what I could have done differently then with the lard ? I'd strained it through a double layer of muslin and it was pure visible sign of any impurities. Lard was purchased fresh from the outlet of a big was very clean. Maybe I just kept it too long ? Should I...
  13. Malleebird

    Does coconut oil get rancid?

    Speaking of lard.... I home rendered some a couple of months ago. I packed most of it into the freezer but kept some out to use....didn't get around to it immediately, but this it what it looked like after about 4 weeks in the butter compartment of fridge. 😫
  14. Malleebird

    Using really old oils?

    I was going to ask that question when I got back into soaping after 4 years....but I was afraid to because I thought I'd be told "NO WAY" :shakinghead: I didn't want to throw everything out as I had such a lot. So I just used my nose instead of looking at dates. The only ones that had to go...
  15. Malleebird

    Preservative for hand cream question...

    Thanks @DeeAnna & @msunnerstood ..... made it today with 0.5%. All good :)
  16. Malleebird

    Attempt #1 Pine tar

    Just re read your response @DeeAnna.... sorry I had meant that I didn't stir the container of pine tar before I used it.
  17. Malleebird

    Attempt #1 Pine tar

    Thanks @DeeAnna... I'm thrilled if you think my soap is Okay :) I was just so worried that I'd done something major wrong when......after I added the lye I had to stir for 45 minutes before I noticed any change at all, and even then it just change from dark chocolate to milk chocolate and was...
  18. Malleebird

    Preservative for hand cream question...

    I'm about to make my first ever hand cream and the recipe calls for 6gms Optiphen Plus. I only have Germall Plus so wondering if I can substitute and if so can I use the same amount ?
  19. Malleebird

    Attempt #1 Pine tar

    DeeAnna, I wondered if you would have any idea why my pine tar did what it did last week ? I posted in "What soapy things...." #16,352. As I said in the post I followed your instructions to the letter, only tweaking the oils a bit according to what I had. The pine tar I used was 100% Pure...
  20. Malleebird

    Anxiety lol

    I certainly did last week when I was making my first batch of pine tar...!!