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  1. lindakschickens

    homemade hair perfume/hair refesher spray?

    Again as I said hair is alive and dead an hair can repair itself by growning out,that does not mean you will not get split ends which u will or other issue the repair part it just grown it out. Also I want to point out NO shampoo or conditioner will really nourish hair they all clean it and...
  2. lindakschickens

    homemade hair perfume/hair refesher spray?

    Edta..sounds like something someone would name their kid. Don't know about sauve pH balanced but it did not bother me as much if at all compared to other brands. BattleGnome (love the name btw) I totally did not know that and will definitely be sending a email off to my supplier to see if they...
  3. lindakschickens

    homemade hair perfume/hair refesher spray?

    Obsidian. God I wish I had sauve over here in the UK that is like the only shampoo I never reacted to and the only shampoo and conditioner brand my father will use he says everything else makes his hair feel like slime and gack is on it. Was told apple cider vinegar or citric acid ( if I did not...
  4. lindakschickens

    homemade hair perfume/hair refesher spray?

    I have gone down the no-poo road, bicarb was overly harsh for my hair (then again when I tried it my hair was growing out from over bleaching by a salon) but the AVC was ok for me. I did not know about citric acid til like 4 days ago tried that today and it works just like ACV so I love it thus...
  5. lindakschickens

    homemade hair perfume/hair refesher spray?

    Thanks penelopejane I'll look into those but still want to try and make something myself, specially in seeing how I'm making my own lotion again with shea,cocoa, a dollop of coconut and a few spoons of aloe vera gel (great for sunburn DH is a red head and came home looking like a lobster today)...
  6. lindakschickens

    homemade hair perfume/hair refesher spray?

    What works for some don't work for others thanks for talking about that now shave soap or your think I might look it up :). one of the reasons I think my hair is oily is because the normal shampoo strips my hair and my scalp over produces oil which I think why my hair is greasy as it's not use...
  7. lindakschickens

    homemade hair perfume/hair refesher spray?

    Steffamarie I have used synthetic detergent soaps/shampoos etc for most of my 29 years on this planet they have always caused one issue or another for me the worse being reactions on my scalp like rashes/acne and server burning and itching, very few can I use but even those after a few months...
  8. lindakschickens

    homemade hair perfume/hair refesher spray?

    Since I just stated getting into soap making that also means I'm using my own or other's homemade lye based shampoo/body bars to wash my hair but we have hard water and my hair is left greasy as sin, believe this is due to hard water and my hair use to being stripped then coated in demithicone...
  9. lindakschickens

    M&P question lye

    Remember watching a few of her bits when I wanted to do lye soap over 4 years ago before I moved from the USA. Glad I'm not the only one thinking that books info is wrong. Feel better about leaving it a neg review now. Also claimed lye does not cause harm or irritation to skin as it's saponified...
  10. lindakschickens

    M&P question lye

    Ok I have used melt and pour bases until I decided to move up to making soap with lye. Tonight I just read a book that stated it's soap making method 1 was a M&P base to which you add lye,colors, fragrance/EOs etc. Maybe I'm just really dumb but last time I checked a m&p base did not need added...
  11. lindakschickens

    Ugly soap

    I'm totally going to try what you did with the madder root it looks great I love it. Lol we all try stuff on the fly heck knows I do. But I think it was 1-2 tbs tamto paste ppo. ATM I'm playing round with infusing alkanet root and indigo in olive oil with white sage,Palo Santo and sandalwood...
  12. lindakschickens

    Ugly soap

    I really like the color of your madder root soap how much did you use and what infusion method did you use? Read some place about making it into powder and chucking the powder in at thin trace and they got a bright bar. Also how much tomato paste did you use? Green tomato soap lol now I'm going...
  13. lindakschickens

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Made a gentle cleasning face and hair soap I did add a few special oils as I found them at a decent price like jojoba oil and sea buckthorn oil and hemp (my lab loves the smell of hemp oil and followed me around while I had it), I added some beeswax to help make it a harder bar I used fine...
  14. lindakschickens

    Ugly soap

    That maybe true for some natural colors but if your into the whole all "natural" thing like me and don't mind color fade at some point then this is a option. Yes alkanet root is commonly infused in oil at 1/2tsp PPO. Some can be added to the lye solution others need to be infused in oil like...
  15. lindakschickens

    Ugly soap

    forgot to add maybe look at natural colorants? I know Alkanet root does a pinkish-purple to purple grey from what i have read. Annatto seeds give a yellowish orange color carrot will give a pale to golden orange color. Tumeric will be from yellow to gold in color. Madder root depending on how...
  16. lindakschickens

    Ugly soap

    I actually like the way they look. I have made 5 batch's I only started making soap in the last week or 2. My first peach scented orange domes and 3rd soap milk honey and ground oats. Made one today specially for hair looks like mud with yellow petals and green leaves also forgot my soap molds...
  17. lindakschickens

    Making my first cold process soap batch

    I did just to see if I could make do without a stick blender but I can't after I was in a car crash 2 years go this month I have been unable to switch whisking between my right and left hand as I now have arthritis in my left hand due to the crash.
  18. lindakschickens

    Palo santo (powdered) in soap

    Just started to fall alseep (it's 2:30am here) and thought about infusing slowly lots of sage,Palo Santo and sandalwood in olive oil over a few weeks instead of trying to basically cook the stuff on low. Read in a soap book someone did it and it imparted a slight scent to their soap and it...
  19. lindakschickens

    Palo santo (powdered) in soap

    That's a idea. Think I'll see if the hubby will build me one and by build I mean diy the heck out of something that can be made into a distiller. He is good at that one of the reasons why I married him... Well that and he is a carpenter by trade so will make me my soap molds to lol.
  20. lindakschickens

    Palo santo (powdered) in soap

    Sounds perfect for rough calloused feet lol. might have a great pumic knock off on my hands then lol. I like tumeric down side I look like a frickin ompa lompa after. I'll make 2 batches one strained one not. no like I don't have enough supplies now lol