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  1. K

    I have a confession .....

    Just a thought. Blue and green are thought of as cleansing, and your soaps seem neutral, how about a pop of color with your draping fabric. Your middle shelves could show soaps in buyable gift basket, with cellophane if you want a cover. A banner on your table front with your company name or...
  2. K

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Hi. Earlene kindly critiqued my newbie recipe mistake, finding it 3% over on oils (faulty measuring) and suggesting way up there super fat. Soap has been sitting two weeks and is hard and dry, only a tad oily. So I tried it and it was a great soap for our dry air in CA. But! I experimented with...
  3. K

    I have a confession .....

    My cousin was mixing pool chemicals and they splashed in his eye. Despite years of treatment the sight in that eye is basically gone. So I’m mindful of mixing. At least wear safety glasses and a mask around the lye part.
  4. K

    The Soaping Has Begun!

    Thanks Earlene! After my last post I started thinking about it, and I guess I am interested in learning to make natural lotions. It's dry here in California and humid in Hawaii--soap needs are really different. Lotions would be a good go-to for going back and forth. I will do some more...
  5. K

    The Soaping Has Begun!

    Oh thank you for taking the time with this. I expect you are right on all counts. The second soap had peach Kernal oil and worked fine. I have splurged on some oils to try, not that I will buy them all again. I think it’s likely that I simply made mistakes on the third soap in calculating and/or...
  6. K

    Color questions

    Hello again, I was wondering if someone could help me with coloring questions. First, do you have favorite brands of coloring that you could point me to? Also, I read that oxides are best. Is it better to use plain oxides or buy oxides with mica mixed in. Maybe that's just a choice, but I'd...
  7. K

    The Soaping Has Begun!

    I made three sets of soap, all doing well, for beginning. Like the first one I stirred to long and had to work like the devil to push the soap into the mold. That was ok, but forgot to bang it on the counter so there are lava tube like cavities. Oh and I forgot to add sugar and sodium lactate...
  8. K

    Q? On ambiant weather and humidity

    I keep procrastinating on making my first soap. Every day I discover something new that I need to know! This is a great article, and well explained. I’m grateful!
  9. K

    Q? On ambiant weather and humidity

    Thanks much for your article on iodine and INS values. As a newbie I’ve been practicing designing recipes, before actually trying it and wasting resources. These issues come to light by this practice, and with your help, I’m understanding much better. Many thanks, everyone.
  10. K

    Q? On ambiant weather and humidity

    The idea of using a dessicant makes sense. Do you put your soaps in a closed container like a cardboard box? Or plastic?
  11. K

    Q? On ambiant weather and humidity

    Thank you! Great idea. I will try that. I am wondering about whether high iodine is a factor in humid places. Also water content. SoapCalc defaults to 38%. Is that standard? When would water amount be changed?
  12. K

    Q? On ambiant weather and humidity

    We do have varied weather here, rainy season, hot season, etc.
  13. K

    Q? On ambiant weather and humidity

    Thanks! That saved me!
  14. K

    Q? On ambiant weather and humidity

    Eureka! I read a column from Soap Queen about the heat and humidity problem. It is the cure time and conditions to fight. Someone suggested a dehydrating machine. That sounds like a good idea. Also gel can fail because the wrapped soap can overheat. Hmmm.
  15. K

    Q? On ambiant weather and humidity

    This is really helpful to talk about. I noticed in KTA Grocery that they carry Dial soap in a new “Natural” version. I might have to try it. I’m going to try a harder bar with fewer oils. I see lots of testing in my soaping futur
  16. K

    Q? On ambiant weather and humidity

    Another thought! I used to use Olay soap in Calif. and it was fine there. I’m not a spring chicken! Here in Hawaii I just can’t use it! The humidity leaves my skin gummy. That may be a clue about avoiding soft soaps in this climate.
  17. K

    Q? On ambiant weather and humidity

    Hi Keri, happy to meet you! I too don’t have AC, just a portable unit saved for “really” hot days. Of course here in Kona it’s a matter of where one lives on the mountain too. I am happy to share thoughts on this!
  18. K

    Q? On ambiant weather and humidity

    Thanks Melinda, I agree that any moisture attracting ingredient should be minimal. The weather isn’t terribly hot but the humidity without a breeze is stifling—but then I’m from California! Ha! I think avoiding glycerin overload and fans, curing in an open cool spot will help.