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  1. K

    Coconut water and aloe juice

    We have Trader Joe’s, which carries Aloe juice, coconut milk and c. Cream and c. Water.
  2. K

    Coconut water and aloe juice

    My understanding from reading is that adding sugar to soap batter will help increase lather and that coconut milk or cream would add to conditioning. Aloe juice has sugars so should increase lather. Since they have water content you should calculate how much water you need and substute your aloe...
  3. K

    Twelve dollar soap??

    I don’t sell my soap, but am working on recipes with “exotic” oils just because. Indeed it would increase the price of the soap, were I to sell it. I have come up with recipes for non-coconut soaps, non animal fat, non-palm or palm kernel, non-olive oil, non-shay (don’t like shay)—with the idea...
  4. K

    Are rebatching or tossing my only options?

    I thought my sea buckthorn/neem soap caused my skin allergy, so I threw out the rest of the sea buckthorn, as in “Never again!”. Went to allergist and it wasn’t that at all! The soap was great, but ugly and wrong FO. I let the soap sit and it’s better than ever. So now, after thinking about it...
  5. K

    The word association game

  6. K

    Camillina seeds

    Has anyone ever used Camillina seeds in their soap? My farmers market has a new vendor who sells them, as well as other seeds that look like they would be good as exfoliant so to add. —-?
  7. K

    Coconut oil free Shampoo

    If you look on SoapCalc there are a few oils that are cleansing, besides Coconut Oil. Babassu oil is one. Some are kind of exotic and expensive but why not try? Spend some time with SoapCalc swapping out oil combinations till you find a combination of acids that mimic coconut oil soap. You don’t...
  8. K

    Scent success

    Although I am a soap beginner, I used Sultry Black Jasmine, laced with Neroli, from BB. No discolor or accel. The soap is two months old and the scent is holding beautifully. My soap color came out darker than I’d like, a dark mauve, but after having it around now, maybe that color is suitable...
  9. K

    Giving up

    Stay the course. When there are no more oil slicks floating on the batter, give it a few more whisks, or stick blend saying Mississippi and stop. Forget fancy swirls! Stick to in pot swirls with a couple of colors! Do small batches! Give your soap away—it’s already far better than store-bought...
  10. K

    Straw Poll: Saw Palmetto Oil

    Asking: Has anyone ever used Saw Palmetto Oil in soap? It is listed in Soap Calc. Yes it is expensive. Info on internet concerns taking it internally as a supplement or in shampoo. I only found one reference in Google Books about someone using it in soap. Old book. Just curious.
  11. K

    Two funerals and a hero's homecoming.

    Very sorry for your family losses. Might sound corny, but maybe your first soap back could be a commemorative event. Maybe even a donation to vets. Just a thought.
  12. K

    As much as I like micas...

    When you purée the carrot and cucumber 1. Do you strain it and just use the juice? 2. If you use the whole cucumber or carrot purée, do they turn brown like other foods would? If not, why not? 3. Can you infuse your water with fruits/veg ? And 4. Has anyone tried saffron?
  13. K

    How much, is too much??

    Hahahaha! NO ONE is relaxed in LA!! It may be full of strange creatures, but relaxed it’s not! Yet somehow I love the diversity, climate and activity. I hear New York is more relaxed. I wouldn’t even know where to sell soap here.
  14. K


    My lye solution goes into a smallish pan. I keep a shallow tupperware type container of water frozen. After putting lye in water I set my pan on the ice container and it cools in a couple of minutes. Works great!
  15. K

    Big Rant...sister

    Keep all correspondence, photos of your mom and her house, take her to the doc if you think she needs evaluation. Put her things in a trust with a lawyer you trust. Make the lawyer her guardian if you can. Visit often or move in. Put valuables on the trust. Let them redline the house and have...
  16. K

    Big Rant...sister

    Very sorry for your dilemma. Keep protective services and a good lawyer handy.
  17. K


    Oh! Thanks! That made sense! I haven’t had problems, which is why I asked. I’m going to migrate to HP soon, so this helped clarify. Also, I do tend to like to use hard oils, though that might change! Thanks again!
  18. K

    Sugars for cp soap

    Does anyone know if there is a chart somewhere, or is it just experience, on best addition for increasing lather (Bubbly)? Beer, aloe juice, plain sugar, powdered sugar, corn syrup, cane sugar, beet sugar—others? What seems to work best? Can maple syrup be used? Is it the same for cp and mp...
  19. K


    Hi! Can someone explain whether a water:lye ratio of 3:1 is ok? Why would you Change it to 2:1? Would that just mean less water? If less water is less to evaporate, what is the criteria for using less water? If CP soap needs several weeks to cure anyway, what are other criteria for using less...
  20. K

    How much, is too much??

    I’m reading the book “Sapiens”, recommended by Bill Gates. It really is worth reading, as it tries to explain **** sapiens behavior from a natural history standpoint. It talks about just this issue. Small markets are easier to deal with.